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Author: joseph (jhay) (Page 3 of 7)

The Art of Quoting

The author states this quotation that relates to me, “Be careful not to select quotations just for the sake of demonstrating that you’ve read the author’s work; you need to make sure they support your own argument.” (pg 43, 4th paragraph), any reader can relate to this quote as even now as I’m doing this assignment I try finding quotes to show I did my work when I should actually be reading and understanding the message the author is trying to tell readers throughout the whole passage.

The author says, “…you need to build a frame around them in which you do that speaking for them. Quotations that are inserted into a text without such a frame are sometimes called “dangling” quotations for the way they’re left dangling without any explanation.” (pg 44, paragraph two) some quotes made by writers can be left without proper framing which means no proper explaination of how the quotation relates to your arguement or topic you are trying to inform someone on.

  • A quote that further explains quote above. “…the writer does not explain how her words connect with anything he is saying or even what she says that he thinks is !,O “right.” He simply abandons the quotation in his haste to zoom on to another point.” (pg 45, third paragraph)

By stating, “To adequately frame a quotation, you need to insert it into what we like to call a “quotation sandwich,” with the statement introducing it serving as the top slice of bread and the explanation following it serving as the bottom slice. The introductory or lead-in claims should explain who is speaking and set up what the quotation says; the follow-up statements should explain why you consider the quotation to be important and what you take it to say.” (pg 46, first paragraph) the author introduces and explains the quote sandwich. A reader gets to learn that a quote sandwich consists a statement introduction and its explaination as the two slices of bread, and the middle consists of the further paragraphs of source entries to back up a topic or claim.

Additonally the author says, “It is better to risk being overly explicit about what you take a quotation to mean than to leave the quotation dangling and your readers in doubt. Indeed, we encourage you to provide such explanatory framing even when writing to an audience that you know to be familiar with the author being quoted and able to interpret your quotations on their own.” (pg 49, third paragraph) author tells us that it is better to overly explicit about a quote rather than leaving it dangling. It is better to fully explain a quote so that a reader gets famliar with what your framing is to the quote.

First Source Entry

Research question is how do people fall into gambling addiction? I’m not one who is against gambling because as long as one does it responsibly and can be a hobby for some that they can do with their friends or on their own., and of course I have many close to me who are into sports betting and the casino lifestyle. In the article, “Gambling Addiction Statistics 2022: Is It A Mental Illness?”, it states “It’s been estimated that 750.000 American young adults between the ages of 14 to 21 have experienced gambling addiction symptoms. The number shouldn’t be surprising, as more than 80% of adults in America gamble annually. It turns out that 3 to 5 out of every 100 gamblers tend to struggle with gambling addiction symptoms.” the fact that there are teens out there in the United States that experinced gambling addiction symptoms is astonishing even though the article said that the number shouldn’t be surprising. Furthermore, the article adds more fuel to the younger aged group dealing with gambling addiciton by stating, “The statistics become more dramatic when it comes to US college students, as 6% are stated to be problem gamblers who deal with gambling addiction in a manner of sorts.”, there are college students are dealing with gambling addicition when they are majoring in a major that could lift them in their future field, meanwhile some have developed a gambling addiciton before even graduating college. On the psychological part of the question, the article explains, “The human mind is wired to pursue rewards. When the feel-good hormone called dopamine is released in our brains, we tend to feel rewarded and validated. Gambling can cause the release of dopamine in the human brain. Gambling addicts are the people who become hooked on dopamine release, using wagering as a means of staying happy and feeling rewarded.”, this further tells readers that the human mind naturally is attracted to the feeling of winning a reward. Certain people get hooked to the dopeamine release and keep on gambling to feed their emotion. In addition to this, the article further states,” …compulsive gambling has been categorized by the experts as being an impulsive control disorder. But while it can be considered a mental disorder, psychiatrist studies don’t go as far as classifying it as an illness… A gambling disorder involves repeated problematic gambling behavior that can lead to real-life problems for the individual, his family, and society altogether”, compuslive gambling is no illness, but it is a impulsive control disorder where people have trouble controlling their behaviors and emotions. These could lead lsating affects from mental health to the real life problems in ones personal life.

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