A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: joseph (jhay) (Page 2 of 7)

Unit 3 Proposal

I want to teach my audience the good and bad on gambling.

The audience I’m trying to reach ranges from seventeen years old and older, but younger adults are the hot zone for my audience since it’s an audience that may be inexperienced in gambling then say an older person who’s been into gambling for years. This topic is one that generations of people will understand since anyone can gamble, but the curiosity of gambling starts at a young adult age and that’s where the audience is generally at.

The genre I’m planning to write in is an informative YouTube video. I chose this because I feel like I can talk and inform people around my age on gambling while hopefully adding some cool visuals

First things first I have to do research on the genre to make a really interesting informative video that can get someone really interested. Maybe looking up tutorials on how to do certain visuals on a YouTube video and what video editor software is best to use

I honestly have no concerns as I’m confident I’ll be able to deliver a good video if I put my time and effort in it. Plus I have tools online to help me guide the way an informative video could be made and be appealing.

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