A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: joseph (jhay) (Page 1 of 7)

How well I believe I did

I think I did good on my research. The fact that I’m worried on the visuals of my video look bad may be a good thing since I’m not the greatest at creating visual videos but I feel like simple animations is excellent for my intended audience (young teens – young adults). I found information that I wished I had used on my RAB but it is perfect for my intended audience since majority young adults or teens can agree to this experience. My main talking point and biggest piece of information I found while doing research was that there are video games out there that have a pay to win system meaning you can progress in the game without paying, but if you put money down you’ll further progress faster than other players. Then there are popular games like Fortnite that has tons of kids asking their parents to buy them cosmetic items within the game. Under definition, this is gambling since one is risking at stake something of value in risk to gain something more of value. This is a highly talked about topic in my video since it can relate to almost any teen and young adult. This piece of information made me reflect that I had basically gambled my middle school lunch money just to progress my basketball player in a video game. So it was a good piece of info for my research but for me as an individual. At the moment of writing/sharing this I’m at my, recording my audio and editing into a video, stage. It’s been a learning experience, not only did I learn further more on my topic but I learned how to use adobe premiere. I learned how to use this editing software which may or may not come in handy but at least I have learned how to use it even at a very minimal level.

“The Maker’s Eye” Draft

– Donald Murray informs the reader that once one has finished revising their draft, the writing process truly begins. (paragraph 1)

– Murray tells us that a writer must develop a special reading skill that helps a writer further understand  what’s needed to revise draft after draft. (paragraphs 2-3)

– Donald Murray explains that criticism towards one’s writing is a positive thing a writer can use, a writer must be suspicious of compliments since he claims writers may not rely on others. That one shouldn’t admire their piece of writing as one’s feelings can get in the way of a good writing. (paragraphs  4-7)

– A good writing piece goes through many stages of rewrites in forms of many drafts which takes time. This leads to a writer finding deeper meanings in their writing rewrites and “it’s ought to be done” A writer finds information, which then leads into the meaning of their work. (paragraph 10-13)

Draft Artist Statement

I became interested in my topic of gambling because it’s a hobby many around me indulge in. It’s probably something I’ll pick up from my father, especially since I give him 10 dollars every now and then to bet for me since I’m not old enough to sports bet in the state of New York. This is how I got curious on the topic of gambling and it’s pros and cons on people today.

The purpose of this project is to further educate my targeted audience, which is young teens, 13,  to young adults, 20. This audience specifically because it’s this generation of people that will be the firsts to take advantage of all the betting one can do on their phone. Not only that but some video games are making games pay to win meaning kids will want to use their parents money to better themselves in a video game. More states around the United States are legalizing sports betting and apps are quick to promote their product in states that just legalized online betting. My protect will be distributed on YouTube since that’s the go to for informative videos. I tried to use facts from articles used in my RAB and facts I wished I had used in my RAB to inform viewers on gambling information. I also used small animations to appeal to my audience even though it’s not the best but hopefully my young audience understands.

I chose making an informative video because young adults don’t want to read a long article. Most search for a quick video on a subject and they’re filled with informative information on a topic one searched up. Especially since YouTube has over 2.5 billion active users, there has to be a small chunk of those 2.5 billion that get intrigued by gambling on young people today.

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