A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Lisa Cole (Page 3 of 13)

Week 11: April 11 – April 14

(Spring Break April 15 – April 22) 


Monday, April 11th

READ (in-class handout): “CHOOSING A GENRE TO COMPOSE IN” by Amy Braziller and Elizabeth Kleinfeld.  We’ll go over this in class.


Sometimes, if we are trying to write in a particular genre, or for a particular publication, we study a particular source that fits that category so we can write in that same style.  We call this a “mentor text.”

Last week, we looked at publications and online forums where you might want to publish or present your work.  Now, let’s look a little closer. Go back to this site (magazine, webpage, YouTube channel etc.) and find a SPECIFIC SOURCE that you like. It SHOULD NOT be about your topic.  You’re not looking at it for that! You’re just looking at what features make this text fit this publication (and this genre!)  This can be an article, TED Talk, You Tube Video, etc.

Remember: You’re not looking for any old article.  You’re looking for an article that can be published in the magazine you want your work to be published in, or a YouTube video that fits on the channel you want your video to go on… get it? This should be something that you want to emulate.  Now, answer the following questions:

  • What tone/ type of language does this example use?
  • How does this source use research?  Do they quote from outside sources, use a lot of statistics, etc.
  • What can you tell us about this source visually (and auditorily, if applicable)?  Does it use a lot of imagery and color? Is the layout very clean? Is there a soundtrack?
  • How long is it?  (Words, pages, minutes)
  • Who do you think is the audience of this source?  What makes you think that?
  • What aspects of this source would you like to emulate in your own writing? How might you do that?
  • What aspects of this source would you like to avoid in your own writing?  How will you do that?

HW due Thursday, April 14th, by 11:59 p.m.  Title it “Unit 3 Plan” under “Discussions/Unit 3”:

WRITE:  Write a plan for Unit 3 – New Genre piece.  What are your goals for working/thinking/ brainstorming/gathering material over break?


If you have not submitted your RAB, it is due on Friday, April 15th by 11:59 p.m.  I am grading the RAB’s over the break and will be returning them to everyone on Monday, April 25th.

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