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Author: Kenny Delgado (Page 6 of 9)

Navigating Genres

  • The genres aren’t just the ways you structure it but how to describe it.

Some of the genres I feel that i know the best would be science fiction, non-fiction, and history. I learned science fiction from video games when i was playing them at a young ago and later go to the internet, reading all the made up stories and fake videos with news or receiving a message from space, from alien visitors that had come to our planet. I got into non-fiction because of my interest with outter space and with science fiction. And finally I know history because of my interest with wars throughtout time and between the nations, the causes, buildup, during, and the aftermath of those wars. I feel what these three have in common is that they are told in a first person view. The genres that I think would give me good information for Unit 2 would be all three.  Science fiction because they could be used as a hypothesis so people could give there thoughs on what could be out there and what to expect. Non-fiction so I could add what we know already about outter space, the planets, stars, and the galaxies we have discovered.  And finally history could tell about the past astronomers thoughts and studies, there notes, and ideas. I believe these three could help me with my unit 2 essay in different ways but should at the end be able have a better understanding of the beginning of the universe and the description of outter space. Im hoping to all three could help me equality and could merge to tell one big part like a timeline and then later giving my own thoughs to add on to the information that I find in the internet. With my curiosity I am having a good time reading, watching, and listening to the topic of outter space and not as hard as I expected.

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