A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Kenny Delgado (Page 3 of 9)

Know Your Mentor In Class

The example I used was  “The out-of-this-world strategies in place to stop asteroid impact” by Carrie Nugent found in Ted talks, what she talks about in this article is what is earth’s plan to fend off asteroids from hitting the earth and the in the future different types of inventions to prevent it. I would say the tone of the article would be serious and informal, informing anyone on what type of plan to combat asteroids from hitting the earth. The author uses quotes from astronomers, other organizations and there plan/ideas on this. One of the things I feel that the author used too little photos and too many words that would make alot of people to lose interest of the article. By the looks of the article it would seem that the article would be 3-4 pages long. I think the audience would be the public, really anyone who is interested in this category. I would want to add more color or photos of what I’m trying to explain, and I would want to use less complicated word that would lose my targeted audience.

Publication draft

The site that I found focuses on astronomy, new technology that could help us in our journey on unfolding the mysteries of the universe that being space.com.  It’s also to explain less known theories and idea around space, letting smaller ideas be shown to others.

Unit 3 Proposal

What I would want to teach my audience would be how large and basically endless space could be, that we could come anything we could think ofor even nothing at all, that any idea that is brought up about space could be true. The audience I’m trying to reach out to would be teens or those who are curious about astronomy and the ones who are just starting to step in it. I don’t think it would appeal to older people or more experience because it would be nothing new to them, and children would most likely not understand anything that is said or described about the vast of space. The genre I’m choosing would be a article or a short video because it would get too boring if I did a poem or a type of book. I would start by thinking of how long the article would be, like I said I don’t want to have only just words to it, I would want to add a few photo to attract or keep my audience for leaving or give up on reading. I don’t want to over word something and end up losing the audience when trying to explain something to them.

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