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Author: John Paul (Page 4 of 12)

In class Draft “Know Your Publication”

The kinds of videos that I will be including in my presentation will be a movie from Youtube, called “Braveheart.” It’s a fantastic classic movie about war and peace. But from the movie I’m only using a specific part, which is the speech. In my opinion, the speech is the most important part of the movie. The speech is what drives the emotion of the audience to see how it ends, the motivation, and the inspiration is purely coming from the heart. What I think about who the audience is, in my honest opinion I think it’s people from their 30’s-50 since it was a very old movie. Where kids weren’t be interested in the action, suspense, violence of the movie. The movie itself is about 2hrs and 48 minutes, but the part of the movie that I am going to include in my presentation is the speech which is about 2 minutes and 48 seconds long. The tone of “Braveheart” is very serious, sad and makes you feel empathy of the main character. In the speech from the movie, the kind of diction is was being used was very formal, perseaive, and colloquial.

In the movie they used evidence by ”

The visual presentation of the movie is in color. It shows the story that the movie is trying to say and the message behind it. It shows someones perspective.

I think it is a good forum to reach my audience is something that many people use. And it’s completely different. Since my goal is to make sure I don’t leave my audience bored and not intrigued. Why I think it is an good way to reach my audience since the movie itself is not boring and it leaves with a lot of curiosity and the speech itself moves people.

Unit 3 Proposal

My plan for Unit 3 will be able to teach my audience whether or not “Is there a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe?” And explain and demonstrate why this question is important, and hopefully make sure my audience leaves with questions, curiosity, and to understand of how this question can have an impact on each of our life. As for who’s is my audience? My audience is seniors in high school and freshmen in college. Concerning what my genre is, how I am going to write it, and why I chose it. Let me tell me. My genre is going to be a movie, but a short film to get my point across to my audience. In addition, to keep them engage long enough to explain what my topic is. How I am going to write it? It would be interacting with the film. To visually explain my topic, and for my audience to see whether or not my question is answerable. Because in this topic there is no right or wrong answer. My goal is to explain my topic and to make sure they leave with a lot of curiosity. As for why I chose it? Is to make sure my audience doesn’t fall asleep during my representation, get bored, and to make sure my audience doesn’t lose attention to what I have to say. I plan to start it by looking for a film/movie that can appeal to my audience and to my research question. My only concern about this project is to make sure I picked a perfect film that can relate to my research project long enough to keep my audience engaged. And figuring out how to present the movie during the representation, and make sure there are no technical issues when presenting my project.

Draft Unit 3 Proposal

My plan for Unit 3 will be able to teach my audience whether or not “Is there a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe?” And explain and demonstrate why this question is important, and hopefully make sure my audience leaves with questions, curiosity, and to understand of how this question can have an impact on each of our life. As for who’s is my audience? My audience is seniors in high school and freshmen in college. Concerning what my genre is, how I am going to write it, and why I chose it. Let me tell me. My genre is going to be a movie, but a short film to get my point across to my audience. In addition, to keep them engage long enough to explain what my topic is. How I am going to write it? It would be interacting with the film. To visually explain my topic, and for my audience to see whether or not my question is answerable. Because in this topic there is no right or wrong answer. My goal is to explain my topic and to make sure they leave with a lot of curiosity. As for why I chose it? Is to make sure my audience doesn’t fall asleep during my representation, get bored, and to make sure my audience doesn’t lose attention to what I have to say. I plan to start it by looking for a film/movie that can appeal to my audience and to my research question. My only concern about this project is to make sure I picked a perfect film that can relate to my research project long enough to keep my audience engaged. And figuring out how to present the movie during the representation, and make sure there are no technical issues when presenting my project.

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