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Author: John Paul (Page 3 of 12)

Unit 3 Plan

The plan for my Unit 3 project over the break is to gather information about my genre and how I am going to present it to my audience. My goal for working on this project is to make sure the point that I am trying to make to my audience will not bore them. But to keep them entertained as long as possible. To keep my audience very interested and curious about what I have to about my topic. Also, to make sure that the video I am going to use, does not run into any technical difficulties when I am presenting. In addition, I am making sure I include information that goes along with the information as well. So my presentation can be 100% credible as possible. I am thinking of showing the movie at the start and will the movie is about to finish. I will explain why I picked that particular scene from the movie, by including information about the war and also including my topic from my RAB. Which as result will be something different from all the presentations. Because I want to make sure I stand out from everyone else.

Know Your Mentor Text

The tone of “Braveheart: Freedom Speech” is set as very informative and very persuasive. And yet it gives a warm feeling, not demanding but more friendly. While leaving a mark on the audience and being eye-opening as well as being inspired by the speech. The speech was spoken by William Wallace. He was a Scottish knight who later became one of the main leaders during the First War of Scottish Independence. His speech was straight to the point and gave his audience and his fellow friends/soldiers hope. During his speech, he uses ethos, pathos, and logos to connect to his Scottish army, in order for his fellow soldiers to understand and see who William Wallace was. William uses this technique in order to relate to his soldiers about their struggles and how they can overcome them by working together and fighting for their freedom. Visually, the source was easy to navigate since I found the speech on Youtube. The video was simple to use and straight to the point. The video uses a lot of color and imagery to make the audience visually understand and connect to the movie. The speech itself is about 2 minutes and 50 seconds, while the movie itself is 2 hours and 57 minutes. Furthermore, William’s intended audience is people who live in Scotland, who are regular people trying to live their lives while trying to fight to overcome the fear, power, greed, ambition, government, and officials of England. While at the end of the movie, William becomes the symbol of a free Scotland. My conclusion of William’s intended audience comes from his symbol and love for his country and countrymen of Scotland. Together they can overcome the power and greed of England. In addition, the writing style I would like to emulate in my writing is tone, format, writing style, and visuals. In my writing, my tone will be persuasive, formal, and informative. This would mean I have to use the movie “Braveheart and the First War of Scottish Independence” to make it more credible.

Know Your Publication

  • The kind of video that I will be including in my presentation will be a movie from Youtube, called “Braveheart.” It’s a fantastic classic movie about war and peace. But from the movie, I’m only using a specific part, which is the speech. In my opinion, the speech is the most important part of the movie. The speech is what drives the emotion of the audience to see how it ends, the motivation, and the inspiration is purely coming from the heart.
  • What I think about who the audience is, in my honest opinion I think it’s people from their 30s-50s since it was a very old movie. Where kids weren’t interested in the action, suspense, and violence of the movie.
  • The movie itself is about 2hrs and 48 minutes, but the part of the movie that I am going to include in my presentation is the speech which is about 2 minutes and 48 seconds long. The tone of “Braveheart” is very serious, and sad and makes you feel empathy for the main character. In the speech from the movie, the kind of diction is was being used was very formal, persuasive, and colloquial.
  • In the movie, they used evidence by “using real-life events” like war, violence, and all being very detailed with visuals for the audience to completely understand the point of the movie. The evidence that I am going to use is the speech from the movie. Which is, “Fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live, at least for a while. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies, that they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!”
  • The visual presentation of the movie is in color. It shows the story that the movie is trying to say and the message behind it. It shows someone else’s perspective. Their side of the side. Their struggle, their emotions, their actions, their choices, and the consequences they feel as the movie develops.
  • I think it is a good forum to reach my audience something that many people use. And it’s completely different. Since my goal is to make sure I don’t leave my audience bored and not intrigued. Why I think it is a good way to reach my audience since the movie itself is not boring and it leaves with a lot of curiosity and the speech itself moves people.
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