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Author: Jordan De La Rans (Page 6 of 10)

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(24) How film transforms the way we see the world | Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy – YouTube

My research question is how do films impact people for the better? I personally feel like films can impact people in many different ways. I think films can make people a better person and even branch out to many different things that they never thought they would do before.  As I research this question, I found a YouTube video a women named Sharmen Obaid-Chinoy had a TED talk about how she documented violence against women in Pakistan. Her film was about honor killing, honor killings are when men punish women who transgress rules made by them It is much known as murder. She found a woman that miraculously survived being shot in the face, but there was a loophole in the law that allowed victims to forgive their perpetrators enabling them to avoid jail time. She kept fighting but she eventually forgave them. So, they used their film to change the way people perceived honor killings. The film went on to win an Academy Award. After months of campaigning, the loophole was finally closed but women were continuing to be killed.  They set little theaters for everyone in small villages to see the film so they can join the fray. They introduced them to films that opened up their minds to world views and also encouraging children to build critical thinking. In this YouTube video Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy states ” In another village where the screening was shut down, a plainclothes policeman got up and ordered it back on, telling everyone It was his duty to expose the young minds to an alternative worldview and to this content”. She also states ” In another town, where the men said that only they could watch, and the women had to stay home, a community elder got up, got a group of people together, had a discussion, and then both men and women sat down to watch it together. “.  In these quotes she is telling us how these film shave impacted the people of the small villages and want to do better and help others learn about this cruel world and what we could do to make it better. I love these quotes because it connects to my research question and show how these films make us better. Even as the writers of these movies these people are going out their way set up small theaters for people that aren’t able to go to see films. Films make us come together to fight the good fight.

Unit 2 Draft Introduction

My research question is how do films impact people for the better?  Growing up I used to watch a lot of movies with my parents mainly my dad because he had the same love that I did for movies. My dad is one of the reasons I developed my love for movies. I used watch movies like Toy Story, Halloweentown, Home Alone, and many other iconic childhood movies, till this day I have the same love for movies, but I’ve branched to many other genres of movies like thrillers, mystery’s, action, comedy, Sci-Fi and many more. I love going out to see a new movie every few months because I get to leave all my stress and problems outside of the theater for 2-3 hours and get to be fully emersed into an amazing story. For example, back in 2021 in December a movie named ” Spider-Man: No Way Home” had a lot of expectations but when it finally came out it blew the expectations out the water. The experience I had in that movie theater is a once in a lifetime experience that I would love to relive. I’m intrigued in this question because I’ve always had a love for movies, and I wonder how big of an affect they have on other people. In my research in this question what I expect are people sharing their own experiences from movies and how movies have impacted their lives. What I also expect are people sharing their own films and explaining how they were able to make the film and the process during and after a film.  I expect to find these answers because there are a lot of people in this world that share the same love for movies just like me.  I know these movies can have a huge impact on a person’s life and can make people want to be a film maker themselves when they never thought they would be one. If I don’t find any information on what I expected to find I will continue to write about it anyway because I truly want to learn how a film can affect a person’s life and maybe even change it. Film’s might not change a person’s life, but it could change a person’s perspective on life and their opinions on something.  If I’m not able to find what I expect in my research, I want challenge my assumptions and make sure I learn more about this topic.

Possible Topic

When I was a kid, I wasn’t interested in school but one topic that always caught my attention was History/Social Studies.  I was so interested by this topic because learning about the past and how the world came to be fascinated me. There’re so many crazy events that happened in this world that are just too interesting to not learn about them and how they came to be.  For example, when I first learned about slavery It blew my mind how cruel this world was and still is I never thought people would have the capability to do something so cruel and horrible to another person just because of the color of their skin.  Each time I would learn more about this world’s history I wanted to always ask questions so I could keep learning about certain situations about how they began or how the situation came to an end, or even how some of these events would affect the modern-day world. Now that I’m older I haven’t found much interest in the topic as much as I did when I was younger, but I still keep up with current events in the world because we need to know what’s happening in this world and how it can affect us now or in the long run. Over the past few years, I would say school has changed my curiosity but in a good way. Growing up and learning all these new topics made me want to learn more outside of school.  The curiosity I gained over the last few years made me interested in new hobbies like video games, sports, films, photography I would’ve never thought I would be curious in those things.  As I lost interest in the topic of History, I found my love for sports. I fell in love with sports because the excitement and nervousness gave me a feeling I never felt before. There’s something about playing and watching the sport you love that nothing in this world can beat that feeling. I can say curiosity has helped me a lot as I grow and learn more about this world and myself.

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