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Author: Jordan De La Rans (Page 5 of 10)

Navigating Genres

As a kid a didn’t like to read much but when I did genres like Action/Adeventure, and Comedy always caught my eye they were always my favorite genre to read.  These genres always kept me entertained there was never a moment where I was tired of these genres. They also branched me out to things like video games and comic books and I never thought I would be into these things like how I am now.  The way I learned these genres is by keep reading books with these genres surrounding them also people I was close with gave me recommendations of books with these genres. The rhetorical features of these genres are that they always keep me on my feet wondering what’s going to happen next. The genre Action/Adventure always has something happening to keep the story going so it doesn’t become dull, the genre always makes it exciting to read. The genre comedy is by far my favorite because laughing is a like a medicine it can cure anything. This genre always makes me excited for what’s going to be said next by the character, just like Action/Adeventure this genre is never dull and that’s what I love about them. I think the genres Autobiography will give me the best information for Unit 2. I think an Autobiography will give me the best information for my research because I would like to hear from a person whose life has changed because of these films. I would like to know how they started loving films and then what these films have done for them.  I think reading someone else’s experience with films will complete my research or make it even better than it is. I don’t think there’s another genre that will help me out as much. Hopefully I get to find the best information in this genre

Navigating Genres Annotations

‘But on a brighter note, genres also help us to make more efficient decisions when writing, as we can see how people have approached similar situations. Creating a new genre each time that writing was
required would make the writing process much longer, as we would not have past responses to help us with present ones (Devitt, “Generalizing” 576). As a result, the more you are able to master particular
genres, the better equipped you may be to master genres that you later encounter”. I like this quote because I never thought genres help us out as much as they do.


“Learning about genres and how they function is more important than mastering one particular genre; it is this knowledge that helps us to recognize and to determine appropriate responses to different situations”. I like this quote because it shows how important genres are and how they help us in different situations.


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