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Unit 3 writing in a new gerne

George Gomez


Artist Statement

Iā€™ve become interested in the topicĀ  “Are electric cars better than gas cars?” because I think writing about this is a perfect time for what is happening regarding gas prices rising nowadays so it would be more intriguing and grab the attention of my audience, which is people who own cars.Ā  The reason why I’m targeting my people who own cars is that they would understand more of the fundamentals when it comes to cars and there are a lot of car owners who could be using gas-operated cars and this project can persuade them to maybe switch to electrically operated cars to save more money. The Gerne I chose was a Slideshow video because it reminds me of how tesla introduces new cars to a live audience so I’m trying to take that effect like Elon musk and also it seems more appealing to also interact in the slideshow because my slideshow is interactive by just clicking on the slides and I have animations to keep the younger audience entertained as well. So my process to get this project done was quite simple I just use research on the better ways to make slideshows and how to use the animations too, I quickly figured it out by watching a youtube video on how to do it. I also had to pick photos that would perfectly fit each slide because it has to make sense of why I picked the photo for example on one slide I’m writing about electric car batteries so ill insert a photo of an electric car battery. So in this project had to throw out a lot of useless information and write the key points into the slideshow because if I used everything I researched it would be long and too boring for my audience I wanted the audience to quickly finish the slideshow and move on with there day I didn’t want a slideshow where they decided that since it was so long they would just stop right at a certain slide and read it later or another time or even never again. Before my plan was to just do an article but I wanted to mix it up and do something more interesting to keep the audience interested as well because it makes sense that if I don’t like reading articles myself why would choose it for my audience who can probably relate to me and think it is boring so instead I rather choose slideshows where is pops more with animations and photos and also interactive. But my results from my project I’m satisfied with how it turned out it took me time to figure how the background theme but I chose one that was a perfect fit and is appealing and I think it’s a very good slideshow and I thought it fits perfectly for my target audience but…..after I finished writing I notice at the last minute that it seems too serious and I remembered that the audience I chose is quite large and can prefer different types of writing and may not like how its too serious so what I did is I added some comedy to light up the mood and give the readers at least a smirk on their face while reading the slideshow. I know for a fact if I was experienced with a lot of editing and was given a budget of like $1000 it would blow everyone out of the water because i would try to use special effect and editing software to make it much better but I’m happy that I accomplished this much without having to buy anything. My conclusion of this whole project is that I think this would be a great practice for like marketing because depending on what position you play in marketing this seems like I can use a presentation like this in the job to make changes and not only just about electrical cars it could be about anything it can be about stocks, advertising, and promoting. And it also resembles as I said before Elon musk’s presentations about tesla he shows slideshows on the latest tesla model or the latest technology in Spacex. This can also be used for future classes that I may come across, so now I would have an idea of how to start and what genre to choose depending on the topic I choose as well it will give me an easier time writing for the next writing class I have for next semester.

My Project Results https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TVomjP-nks4OzzkBO4qlLFbFvgxlxVRO2iHNDb6pMPo/edit

The makers eye draft

ā€œWriters must learn to be their own enemyā€ I agree with this quote because it shows readers that you need to figure out your flaws and errors on how you write and notice them to fix the flaws and error you have on writing. Also what you write isnā€™t alway going to be perfect there is always going to be criticism from people who prefer a different style of writing, embrace the criticism and use it as fuel to do better

Unit 3 plan

The tone Iā€™m going for is passive aggressive because I want to convince people how gas cars arenā€™t acceptable towards society and to switch to electrical. I look forward on typing somewhere around 700-1000 words because itā€™s mostly going to be a slideshow video with a lot of pictures and probably fun facts I also aim to find a good background music to soothe the audience but not put them asleep. Iā€™m going to try to avoid on grammar and trying to find quotes and explain why I agree with the quote well but also to not to make it boring and long because not everyone wants to read the whole article it most like they scan it so with my slideshow video Iā€™m going to get straight to the point to pull my audience of people who are thinking about switching to electrical. Iā€™m going to watch videos, read articles, and research articles to make sure I get all the information that is very important to persuade readers

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