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Author: bmuniz (Page 6 of 11)

Quote Sandwich

The double-sweet combination became a big time hit with Americaā€™s youth. Julia Davis declares this was the worlds pleasing combo ever to eat. The softness of the bread and peanut butter going into your mouth with the jelly mixed somebody just could get that smell all over again and make their lips trembled or mind reminisce.Ā As stated ā€œPeanut butterā€™s use also moved down the age structure of the nation as manufactures added sugar to the peanut butter, which appealed to childrenā€ I observed while reading the text the peanut butter jelly sandwhich could have been an addictng meal, The sugar that the manufactures have added couldve had the youth bouncing off walls after eating the best sandwich of there life. Also kids at the ages 6-10 who were craving this meal could had easily made this for themselves and that to me is so useful in a situation when you digging for a snack.

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How does Social Media effects our society?

The topic I am researching is ā€œHow does social media effects society?ā€ I am interested in this topic because this is something billions of people use and they use it for different reasons which could be advertisement, jobs hiring, politics, businesses, to show their work or talent & so on. Social media is an online tool used to describe the interaction between individuals or groups that share, exchange ideas or post images/videos over the internet. It has made communication with people around the globe more convenient. Today, it has gained so much popularity that it is not exaggerating to say that it has now become an ā€œirreplaceable part of our societyā€. Social media is not just facebook, Instagram, tiktok or twitter; reddit, youtube, pinterest, linkedin are also an effective medium of exchange of thoughts and expressions. So, thereā€™s no wonder that it has a huge impact on our lives and how we use it decide if it is a bane or boon.

I completely agree with the quote- ā€œDonā€™t use social media to impress; use it to impact people.ā€ People are surely making an impact; some in a positive way while some in a destructive way. Thereā€™s no doubt that it is a great tool for communication, education, business and marketing. But thereā€™s a proven fact that social media has ruined peopleā€™s lives, jobs, marriages, & families. This plays a big factor towards the young ones in our community, Children are growing up too quick surrounded by devices and interactive sites such as instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok even YouTube which has made the social media a vital aspect of their life. So, exposure to such free-flowing media makes them more vulnerable to frauds, cyber bulling and harassment. It can negatively affect both their physical and mental health and also in many cases effect their self-esteem as they are easily influenced by other people lives. Social network is transforming the behavior in which youthful people relate with their parents, friends, as well as how they make use of technology. It is so addicting that we connect with social media and lose connect with the real world outside, and sometimes we get easily distracted and lose the power of judgement. Social media can affect your spending habits, your social media accounts are likely tempting you to spend more money. One of the biggest concerns is also invasion of privacy as social media makes us easy targets for hackers or bullies. Every now and then, we hear news of data leaks. Most recent being the facebook data breach. Also, one important thing to note is their algorithm which makes any content goes viral. Now it is so easy to run fake propaganda or spread fake rumors that it is often hard to tell what is right. No matter how much the developers or their team try to control or monitor such type of information but it has not been so successful so far in my opinion. As still the world faces depression, bulling, trolling, violence, and worse death. Death rate went up extremely in New York due to all this animosity from social media or gang retaliation that social media causes.

I canā€™t deny that social media is really a very big community with all kind of people and different tastes. It gives anyone whatever kind of exposure or information they are looking for. So, we as individual should try to limit our use and more importantly use it safely in a constructive way and avoiding any unlawful activity. Social media is indeed a great tool if we use it greatly. It can make or break practically anything.

Unit 2 introduction

The topic I am researching is ā€œHow does social media effect society ā€œ I am interested in this topic because this is something billions of people use and Iā€™m more than sure people use it for different reasons which could be advertisement, Job hiring, Politics , businesses, & so on. Thereā€™s proven facts social media has ruined peoples lives, jobs, marriages, & families. Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between individuals or groups that share, exchange ideas or post images/videos over the internet. This plays a big factor towards the young ones in our community, Children are growing up too quick surrounded by devices and interactive sites such as instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok even YouTube which has made the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social network is transforming the behavior in which youthful people relate with their parents, friends, as well as how they make use of technology. The internet can be negative and influence people in numerous ways, in our online communities people suffer from a lot of cyber bullying, which means a type of harassment that is use through technology. Results of cyberbullying have seen victims falling into depression and, in more radical cases, has cost them their lives.Ā Another thing is info travels so quick online , By the time a piece of false info reaches a number of big people you wonā€™t even know, thatā€™ll cause some very big issues. These online platforms are also dangerous to those whom share personal information on these platforms. Death rate went up extremely in New York due to all this animosity from social media or gang retaliation that social media causes. Social media can affect your spending habits, your social media accounts are likely tempting you to spend more money.Ā 

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