A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: bmuniz (Page 4 of 11)

in class assignment

TikTok was released 2016 and it was a substitute of another app. TikTok Is a trending app and many people use all around the world and this is a app people love to explore and a lot of things tend to pop up of peoples interest, Mainly everything is on that app, you can text and share content of what you find funny, interesting, exciting and etc. Videos are usually no longer than a minute. The diction mainly used would be anything, it’s a lot of visual presentation going on with lots of graphics and text. This will reach my audience in many ways some may use it to be helpful and motivation  or there’s some that’ll be ignorant and will spam the comment section with there negative comments or some will spam with positive feedback but that’s only if it manages to reach the public but that app is spectacular for this use. 

The Art Of Quoting

 “Some writers quote too little­ perhaps because they don’t want to bother going back to the original text and looking up the author’s exact words, or because they think they can reconstruct the author’s ideas from mem­ory”, the author defines supporting quotations to usually be “perfect”(42). Basically, one usually quotes too little information for the reader to fully comprehend or understand their topics. It’s always better to quote enough but not too much information for the reader to understand your point of view

Second source draft

What is poverty in America ? The government spends unnecessary money on duplicate programs for school, health departments, and so many other program categories. They also spend more than what they are supposed to be paying on unnecessary things. Instead of spending money on programs they have no clue about, they should spend it on the obvious issue, poverty. Poverty has been occurring everywhere in the world that it has been normalized. The public even came up with an idea of giving food instead of a ton of money to prevent them from going down the wrong path. As anyone else is capable of, especially when they are in a low place. There are many places such as cities, bridges, and roads which include a little space where many poor people suffering from poverty have a living. They don’t have a safe, warm place to live not healthy food. Kenny includes, “Slums don’t make people poor–they attract poor people who want to be rich. So let’s help them help themselves” (Kenny). This quote excellently matched the example I gave off the common locations where poor people make a living out of. All they do in their life is for their basic survival. The corporate of Brunswick state “In addition to a lack of money, poverty is about not being able to participate in recreational activities; not being able to send children on a day trip with their schoolmates or to a birthday party; not being able to pay for medications for an illness” (Brunswick). This would be a great example of what poverty actually looks like. Many communities live through poverty and everyone normalizes this situation rather than showing awareness towards it and helping others out.

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