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Author: Bairu Cen (Page 3 of 9)

Second Source Entry

After using an article for the first source entry, this time I decided to use a video for my second source entry. As I do my research, I found a video on Youtube for my research questions. In the video name “How does your Zodiac sign Influences your personality” by Autumn Asphodel, At the beginning of the video she was introducing all twelve zodiac signs and describing what they are and if they match your personality traits or if you checked your horoscope about your signs and the events that are will happen to you today were accurate to you. For the people who believe in horoscopes, they might think it will be more accurate for them than for those people who don’t believe in horoscopes because it all comes down to their own interpretations and how much it relates to your life. In addition, how much you know about yourself. If you search up your own signs and read the description describing yourself, you might think it describes pretty well and accurate and if you search up another sign of your friend or you simply just want to know more about it, you might also think it suits them pretty well as well. your zodiac signs are based on your date of birth and if you’re a strong believer in horoscope you might believe what your sign describes you and if you don’t you might not believe it at all. I am a Pisces myself, and I think the personality traits that describe this sign suit me very well. Because Pisces is a water sign and water signs are usually more emotional than other elemental signs. not every trait of Pisces describes me exactly the way it is but to a certain extent you can somehow believe half in it because if you don’t know yourself too well, you might discover something interesting about your zodiac signs that suit your personality trait. Many times your zodiac signs will fits you but not always, because since everybody is different it wont describe or define everybody the same way as your signs are supposed to. And If you read about your horoscopes when you wake up in the morning  about how your day will go based on your signs, you will see a description saying what events will happen to you today or what you feel like you might want to do today. You can always change it and go the opposite of what your horoscopes is telling you, so its better to check it after your day ends and see if its accurate or not. You can use it as a reference but shouldn’t fully believe in it, since your thoughts are very powerful that you can change the way you think and how your day will go.

The Art Of Quoting

Page 43 “Be careful not to select quotations just for the sake of demonstrating you’ve read the author’s work; you need to make sure they support your argument.” This relates to me because finding the right quotations to support your argument is difficult.

Page 44 paragraph 2 “Finding relevant Quotations is only part of your job ; you also need to present them in a way that makes their relevance and meaning clear to your reader.” This emphasizes that after you find the right quotation , stating it clearly is extremely important for the reader so they don’t get lost or confused about why you chose that specific quote to support your argument.

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