What I have learned as an reader is I have always known that writing was not my strong point but thanks to the assistance from professor Lisa I have improved drastically in my writing skills and, as a result I am now a better writer. During the course of four months, I have learned so much. There were a few bumps in the road throughout the semester, but I managed to overcome them. It is hard to believe that my journey in writing is coming to an end this semester.Through my hard work and dedication, this class has helped me to build confidence in my writing that will help me throughout my college life.

Unit 1
My least favorite part was the education narrative because I didn’t write anything related to what I was assigned to do and I totally blew over my head because once I heard education narrative I just focus on that and not what I had to do with the education narrative to meet that requirements to get a good grade. However, with hard work and determination I will improve as a writer throughout my college years.I also developed intellectual skills, critical thinking skills and being able to connect what I learned at schools to my out of school experiences as well. As a writer I’ve notice that I have my thoughts all over the place. It was difficult for me to organize my many ideas so that it has a logical flow that readers can understand. I think have a deeper understanding from writing because I’ll admit at the beginning of the semester I wasn’t really looking forward to this class but you professor Lisa actually made it entertaining and kinda fun to do these essays and assignments and was very generous on on the time we had to do on the essays and assignments before o thought it was going to be those class where you have an essay due every week or so but we only did 3-4 essay this whole semester that’s like 1 essay a month which is very generous I just hope whoever I have next while keep it at least a little entertaining like you do and it’s also generous on the time we get for assignments and essays

Unit 2 mind set
What’s I’ve realized is most people don’t write because they’re afraid their writing will suck. Well, it will. Everyone sucks at first. You don’t get better at something by sitting on your hands. Suck it up, put yourself out there. You won’t have many readers at first, when you suck, but as your audience grows so will your skills. Every writer lives daily with procrastination. If you allow yourself to feel guilty about that, then you’ll feel bad about yourself as a writer. Instead, embrace your procrastination as a friend. People struggle mostly on starting the paper and finishing it, and mostly we struggle with grammar We take these classes to learn how to better are skills in the subject and make us want to move on to harder things when I started taking this writing class we learned many different ways to type and start a essay. Honestly my writing skills wasn ‘t the best, and it was hard to understand the points of a paper.With practice and proper instruction, the process of writing has become easier since I first began writing. During this semester I have discovered my strengths and weakness with the writing  process, allowing me to organize and write concisely to the targeted audience. There are many influences that helped me achieve my goal of becoming a better writer and I believe that I am a better writer because of my attitude toward writing has changed, understanding my thought process, and the experienced that I gained throughout the semester. Before I began this semester, I was not interested I did not like to write in a structured way, and I did not feel I was good at writing. The confidence I have gained in the process of taking this course is something that has helped me feel better about writing, and will continue to help me as I go on to accomplish my career goals. Writing can be fun, if you keep a positive attitude! There are many different types of writing that are used for different reasons, and to best portray certain things. I have learned few of these types during this course that I did not know, or did not fully understand before now. It is very important to know these different types, and to understand which style is best for the subject you are writing about. Writing a paper that is effective is also very important. I have read papers that may be great grammatically, but at the same time are very hard to understand. Writing to make the reader stay interested and tuned in to what the paper is trying to get across is a vital part of becoming a successful

Unit 3 Mindset

I have learned how to fix those errors in my papers that I write. A thing I have learned about myself as a writer is that I write very well when a paper is about my personal life because it is easier to write about yourself than about a topic that you are just researching for the first time. The challenges I have faced is having the effort to keep going when I run out of ideas when writing a paper. When I get to the ending of my essay , I always run out of ideas and fuel to keep going. Once I get to the end of the page, I always feel like I am just repeating the same things I already stated in the previous paragraphs because I have little motivation left. I am working hard to change that about my essays but it’s still a work in progress. As I stated I struggle with keeping my essays interesting even in the end, that is something that I am trying to improve on and get better with. I would also like to improve on sounding more intelligent in my papers.