Owshi Debi

English 1101

Final Portfolio and Reflection

Unit 1 Revise

My education so far has been quite the scene I would say. There were times were I would do really good and then there was some days were I did horrible. I was never consistent with my work because I felt like I always changed my mind every often considering how indecisive I was throughout my education life and seeing all of the decisions I have made there were sometimes where I think to myself if I am doing the right thing or not and knowing what were going to be the consequences I was never amused with it until it was brought up in discussion. That being said during my revision process there were many things that needed to be revised starting off with the amount of grammatical errors I have made in my writing as well as not being clear and cohesive which I think is always the problem I have when it comes to writing about anything is that I will never be clear on what I am trying to write also can’t forget about the way it should structured was also sometimes I had trouble with. So far I have revised my grammatical issues that I have made as well as trying to make it sound clear which I have tried but I guess I won’t be going further with it. I have done these revisions because knowing that these were the mistakes I have always made in my writing I guess it kind of hit me in a way and made me think that if I don’t fix my mistakes I would never learn from them so having that in my mindset I used it revise my work and it help a lot. The feedback I have received was really helpful to me because it gave me an understanding on what I needed to improve my writing and how I can avoid the mistakes that I have made. From the feedback that I have received I incorporated in my writing because if I didn’t then I would not learn from the mistake that I have made also when fixing up it wasn’t easy as I thought it was going to be this probably why I never really liked revising my work.

Unit 2 Revise

This is probably the one that required a lot of my ability to think because on what I have done I would say I am not that impressed with my work probably cause I was in rush which is why it was really bad but also being one of my favorite writing pieces I have done so far in all of my English courses combined this being on the top though I know I done bad and could have done better was the best to say. This to me was the most interesting yet stressful writing piece I have done probably cause of all the source entries that needed to be included and knowing what my topic was on it was kind of hard because my topic is not openly discussed so the research process of this was hard cause I wanted to find sources that go with I am trying to say. There were som that I have found but because of the time that I had left I couldn’t do more which on my end was of disappointing knowing that piece wasn’t going to be great and knowing I could have done better if I has thoroughly researched more on my topic.  If I being honest I didn’t revise my work for this writing because I found it really overwhelming and unbearable to the point where when I have received it back I didn’t bother looking at maybe a peak but nothing more because I knew I didn’t follow certain requirements that need to be meet and considering that I chose not to revise. Though I have not revised my work for this assignment maybe in the future I would but this piece that I have done I couldn’t revise cause I felt like I was capable enough to do so as well not being as confident as my last work that I have done.

Final Reflection

I have learned so much about myself during this term. When it came to thinking on how I did as a reader, writer and scholar during this term was bit challenging because I have never actually thought about that way but I guess it doesn’t hurt to explore on what I have done during this term. When it came to me as reader I would say that I am not a fan of reading at all unless it’s something interesting then I would want to read but for the most reading has never been in my liking, I always kind of avoid as much as possible but I would during this term there one reading that we have done that I liked and that was “The Maker’s Eye” this reading in particular was something that I read and was interested in  because it gave a lot of helpful pointers on how writing can look like giving out many helpful tips that can help improve your ability to write better. For instance “I always know when it came to my writing that I was never the best at but when it came to writing drafts I would just look at without thinking too much on it just skim through it as fast as I can because when I am reading my own writing or another author work I don’t  read more like scanning it cause it was I liked doing”. When I think as what I have done as a writer I would say I definitely knew what was wrong with my writing and looking back at some of my writing pieces I knew the most common mistake I always have done and during this term it really showed me on what my writing actually looked liked and what my faults were and how I can I fix it. As a scholar for me during this term it would be surprising to say that make sure to follow all of the instructions that are being given too you because missing one step can mess the whole setting up because I have done this and because of this mistake I got downgraded so making sure you read all of the instructions that is given to and do all of the in order and giving your best responses forward.

From what I have learned this semester that I can transfer too other writing situations that I may face in college is when it comes to the time of writing your essay on a certain topic or issue making sure you break down your informations into different sections because when I used this method I found it easy when it came too researching my information I will break it down and then separate them into sections and then form there go forward.  For the most part the work I have done early this semester up to now is fairly decent could be better but don’t see much difference. I guess when it came to my writing I haven’t really see what I have done differently to me it still looks the same. My favorite assignment for this term was Unit 2 where we had to write about a topic we were interested in. I say this is my favorite assignment because I have fun time researching on different topics and when researching  I have learned a lot if information that I have never knew about before and which made me curious on wanting to know more. My least favorite assignment I would say was Unit 1 because I wasn’t that interested in writing about my educational journey probably cause I don’t really remember any of that or there wasn’t any important significance on my educational journey I would say.  A notable lesson that I have stuck with me is when it came compelling certain of my assignments is that to be really careful and read all of the bullet point questions that is given too make sure never to miss any of this points because this can help you guide when writing for essay. For instance when “not doing all of what was required for my assignments actually made loss points also when I have skipped over some parts of the question I felt like something was missing but I could have pinpointed now what I could have written”. I would say this because there were times where I would miss some of the points which then caused my to be downgrade my work and because of this mistake it can make a big impact in your writing, though I wasn’t sure before but now I knew because my professor help pointed out when I didn’t know.

As the genres changed throughout the terms my writing has changed in different way one being writing an article which to me was something new that I have never before. Since I was so used to writing essays I have actually never got to explore other writing genres that were available to do. For the assignments I think my writing has changed by making me following more of the writing prompts that were given for the assignments because for some it was lengthy and required more for you too write and others less, also this being a writing intensive course I thought it going to be that intensive but it is. For my assignments when it came to making decisions and content I usually look up others on how they would make their content because when I do this I gain insightful information as well as giving me inspirations so then I can do what I need to do for my assignments. Also looking at other people content I could then brainstorm and write out what I can do differently for the assignments that was given to me. My early assumption that I made on myself for writing was that I can never write something that concludes over 700 words or even 1,000 because for me that was a lot of words I have never written that much and when I was doing the assignments for this class and saw the word count I thought it was too many words and I can never be able to complete it. I could say not that has changed well it all depends on the topic I am writing about because if the topic contains a lot of information then it’s possible for me to write more but I think the fear of writing so much with a high word count is gone. My experience on revising assignments was I would say not great because for me if I have written something I never look back at again and just keep it on how it is because I never really revising in the first place and so when there are times when I had to revise I do a little and that’s about it, I never look back at my work after it has been handed in. For example ” when it came to revising my assignments I wasn’t as confident in myself which stopped me from doing revisions on some of the work that given back too me” , this is because I am that type of person when it came to revising you work I would never do it because once I have completed an assignment I never look back unless  that work of the grade is really bad then maybe I will fix it, if it’s serious and makes my grade drop terribly then I would consider in revising my work. For this course in this semester the most challenging was my assignments and was I going to do all of them and handing them on time. I say this because I always do my assignments on the day of when the assignments are due. I am not sure why I do this but every time this always happens also for handing the assignments on time I was really bad at but now its slowly getting better. As for doing all of the assignments I sometimes forget to do all like I say I would do it but then when the times comes I completely forgot and I sometimes don’t know why this happens. Lastly I would just say this term has been really helpful and made think back on past mistakes that I done considering on how bad or good I was it was great knowing on how much I can accomplish and learn about myself in this short term period pretty surprising but definitely something to always remember on and never forgetting