Q1: I have learned as a reader how to better analyze quotes and paragraphs. Back when I was younger I always use to read without fully  understanding what I read because I wouldn’t fully focus on what I was reading.

As a writer, I have learned how to better myself in creating my own projects. When I started this class I noticed that the assignments we did were unique than what I had to do in middle school or high school. I had to also

As a scholar, I learned how to improve writing skills and speak on my topics. Throufhout my time in college I’ve learned

Q2: I will be able to use what I have learned this term and transfer that knowledge throughout the rest of my time in college and later on in my future.

Q3: I would say that the work at did in the early semester was easier than what I’m doing now. We just had to analyze quotes and respond to them. Now we have to make a genre about our own topic, which is really interesting. I would say that this is harder to do but if I fully focus on it then it shouldn’t be too hard.

Q4: my favorite assignment was the  RAB because it gave me a chance to talk about something that I personally was interested in. My least favorite assignment was the picking a genre assignment because it was kind of hard to think of one that wasn’t similar to everyone else’s.

Q5: some notable lessons that stuck with me after completing certain assignments was how to use the city tech library to find what I might be looking for and help with my assignments.

Q6: I think what  really changed in my writing was


Q8: My early assumption about my writing was that I could write well if I really wanted to. Ever since I was in middle school and I had to do essays or projects, I would hate it of course, but I would do it with ease. But right now I do believe that it changed a bit. I do feel my writing improving but I still think that I would still be really good if I actually did put my mind to it.



I couldn’t fully finish because I accidentally backed out and it erased everything I was adding in.