What I have learned this semester is to be able to write and read like a writer. To understand different methods of writing and reading and how they could shape my future in the long run. Throughout this entire semester, I was able to accomplish my goal. And that ladies and gentlemen were to overcome my fear of writing in general. To be more specific, to write and understand what I am supposed to write about. While being able to put some jazz into it. For example, when people cook they put their heart and soul into that dish. And as it turns out that dish comes out tasting so fine and delicious that you too, can taste their dedication to crafting their dish. You can tell by the taste, the smell, the way it is presented on the platter, and the way the food just calls your name. Begging to be eaten. Furthermore, that is how I feel when writing in general. This class taught me that all the lessons, homework, and projects helped me of becoming a writer. Writing is easy and everyone can do it. But to be a writer takes time and dedication. In addition, people can tell when you’re becoming a writer just by looking at the choice of words your using, the way the structure is, seeing how easy it is to read, the flow, and the energy hand to hand.

The surprise I was able to come across when being in this class is how much I enjoyed the Unit 2 and 3 projects. Yes, it was somewhat challenging but it’s like a jig saw puzzle. Once you have all the pieces coming together, you can accomplish the craftmanship of your own creation. All that hard work being paid off. That’s how in my honest opinion saw it overall this semester. My goal so far was right on the money. All thanks to my professor Cole and to myself for actually seeing the progress in myself. How much I have changed in my writing from the beginning of the class till now. But that doesn’t mean that I am finished. There is still a big space of writing, reading, etc that I have not learned. Because practice makes perfect. So far I have a long way to go to become a writer but I’m on the right path.