“Writers must learn to be their own best enemy. They must accept the criticism of others and be suspicious of it; they must accept the praise of others and be even more suspicious of it. Writers cannot depend on others”.(Paragraph 4) When reading this paragraph I found it interesting because when it says that writers must learn to be their own best enemy I thought it was silly, but when reading this I could see why this statement is true because if you think about when writers become their own enemy there process of thinking and writing becomes stronger and getting the idea of what’s it being in your enemy shoes can help. “Most writers scan their drafts first, reading as quickly as possible to catch the larger problems of subject and form, and then move in closer and closer as they read and write, reread and rewrite”.(Paragraph 12) I feel like most writers whether they are professional or students writers they usually when done with their writing they will scan so with this paragraph I can agree with the author understanding.