The plan for my Unit 3 project over the break is to gather information about my genre and how I am going to present it to my audience. My goal for working on this project is to make sure the point that I am trying to make to my audience will not bore them. But to keep them entertained as long as possible. To keep my audience very interested and curious about what I have to about my topic. Also, to make sure that the video I am going to use, does not run into any technical difficulties when I am presenting. In addition, I am making sure I include information that goes along with the information as well. So my presentation can be 100% credible as possible. I am thinking of showing the movie at the start and will the movie is about to finish. I will explain why I picked that particular scene from the movie, by including information about the war and also including my topic from my RAB. Which as result will be something different from all the presentations. Because I want to make sure I stand out from everyone else.