My goals for this project would definitely be the flow of the video and the amount of information being provided, having a mentor text helped a lot. It gave an example of where I wanted to post the video and how informative my video would be.  I have been thinking of the message I would like to show my audience, I want the interview to be very emotional. To be more exact in the form of having my audience relate to the interview and also gaining new information that they did not know of that specific topic. I would want to gather more interview examples regarding my topic and use the information I have found in research articles or interviews as well. My brainstorming would be, who would be in the interview with me? Am I doing this by myself? Am I being the interview? and the person getting interviewed?. I would like to very much use pathos in the interview. Also, one of my other goals would be to know where I am doing the interview, and the quality I want it to be delivered.