I want to teach my audience that astrology is really interesting to learn and knowing how much it can have an affect on us is also something to think about also when you combine with other topics it can be engaging to learn also. I also want to teach my audience that religion can be in same level as astrology because when you think about they both are similar in so many ways and that if you learn them and how their formed its quite fascinating.For my topic it was about “Is Astrology and Religion Compatible” and for this topic I want my audience to be 17+ because since it’s a mature topic to think about I don’t think anyone under 17 will probably understand so young adults and further will be the best target, also if you want to learn how can astrology and religion connect with one another. The genre I am planning to write is called mentor texts which is a tool with helping you write articles which sounds engaging because it’s my first time hearing as well as knowing their is something for you to help write articles. I chose it because I feel like it will go best with my topic when reaching out to my audience. I plan on getting started my gathering all of my information and separating them into section so I can write clearly so then after that I will probably start on writing. I am worried about it not turning out so well or I might not do it well enough for this project because so far this project you need to be really creative with your genre and I feel like since I am not much of a creative person it won’t work out well.