How I feel about my project so far is how much work I have put into this particular project. How passionate I became about this project. Because to me, as a person, I am a pacifist type of guy. I believe that violence & war doesn’t solve anything at all. I see from learning back in middle school and high school how the history class explains how much war and violence was caused by what, power, territory, natural resources, disagreements with each other. See what I mean, there are other ways to achieve what you want so both sides can come out winning. That’s why the Treaty of Paris of 1763 is important since it ended the American Revolutionary War.  The problem I was having while doing this project was figuring out what source entry I could use for my final entry source. Furthermore, what I think is working for this final project is being able to manage my time with this project. Being able to have total control of this project, and being able to research something that I like & very passionate about. As you can see this is way better than having to write something you might totally feel is boring and not very interesting, versus when it’s something that piques your interest. In addition, what I think I might need help with is the citation of the source entries I was using. Because to be fair, I forgot all about the MLA format. And yes, it was very difficult but I was to use a resource that helps creates the citation for you. But I am not 100% sure if easybib is being accurate or not. So far I am proud of my research in general. Of how it came out and being able to smile and appreciate the amount of work I put into this project. The amount of endless writing is a wonderful feeling when you know you found a topic that truly makes feel interesting and happy. To know that you’ll pick something that you don’t regret. Because it just produces endless about of information and being able to have an open mind about your research. Because in my honest opinion, I created a question, “Is there a possibility to maintain World Peace across the globe?” And it made me rethink the question I was trying to answer. Since throughout my research it showed countless information about how countries are becoming peaceful, while there are few that are not close to it. It made me realize that my question is very broad and huge. As a result, I figured out that “World Peace” is possible in the long run.