As I can continue my research, to find more answers to my research question I found another article that interested me a lot.  The article is called ” How one film and one professor are inspiring and influencing deaf representation” by Fabio Lopez. How one film and one professor are inspiring and influencing deaf representation | FIU News – Florida International University   This article focuses on a film called “CODA” this film follows a 17-year-old girl named Ruby, played by Emilia Jones, who is the only hearing member of a Deaf family, as well as their sole interpreter. After discovering her talent for singing, she faces tensions that arrive as she is pulled away from her parents and brother in pursuit of her aspirations. This film sheds light on deaf representation in cinema. This article talks how there’s a lack in deaf representation in film but also around the world, and how there needs to be a change. In this article Fabio Lopez states “CODA has played an instrumental role in inspiring the Deaf community. John Paul Jebian — American Sign Language (ASL) instructor and adjunct lecturer at the Department of Modern Languages, and, to his knowledge, the only Deaf faculty member at the university — was jubilant when describing his and his student’s reaction to the film. “When students saw the film, they were excited. They couldn’t believe it and were telling everyone. It was a Deaf victory, it was a success to see that happen, and it was about time,” Jebian said.”   In short, the writer is telling us how this film has impacted the deaf community and has impacted many others that have seen the film, others now want to shed awareness to deaf people around the world and even use the right terms when around them.  People after the film were excited to see Ruby success story and that makes those people want to do better moving forward.  I love this article because it relates back to my research question. This film impacting people to wanting to shine more light on the deaf community. I want you as the reader to know that these films make us people do better and make us come together as a community to support one another. Films inspire others to become better than they are and that’s what I love about films sometimes they make you into a better person and make you do better things in life and you don’t  even notice it