“James Webb Telescope Terrifying Image of The Big Bang Will Rewrite Physics!” uploaded by Teach Space on YouTube on february 10 2022

In the video they talk about the James Wedd telescope that launched last december,  supposing to launch in 2010 and origninally costing 1 billion dollars but later costing 10 billion dollars. Made to take pictures about really any thing they find in outer space but mainly trying to catch a few pictures of the big bang. Build to take in most if not all types of light that comes from space, in order to be able to do this astrologist build curved mirror around it telescope causing to look farther then any telescope that was launched into space. But with all this time to build it and its inprovements of the telescope one problem that it could have is that the telescope will be stationed around one million miles away about 4 times the length of the moon and the earth and without having some people there to fix any problem that might happen and being so far from earth there wouldn’t be much to do if a problem would come up.

I wanted to look into more on what astronomers were doing in order to find more on the big bang, mainly when I was reading on others reseach tell of a telescope that would completely pale in comparison to any and every telescope that was ever made. The logic behind it is that since space is so massive and expanding that if we look out into space or take a photo of anything it wouldn’t be in real time but depending on how far it is or was it could show what it looked like a few minutes, a few hours, days, or even countless of years. One example is the sun we are not looking at it in real time but what it looked like 10 minutes ago. With this information they would aim the telescope into the void in hopes to find anything of the big bang. I feel that this fact gets overlooked easly by most and that people wouldn’t notice if something  would had happen until its light reached us. “you can say the JWST represents the culmination of decades, if not centuries, of astronomy!” after reading more into the james webb telescope I would so it is one of the greatest achievements and could change what we know and theorize of space. With the telescope already launched a few months ago I wonder how long we would have to wait on the telescope to get to its position and how long do we have to wait for an photo.