The research question is what is the difference between epilepsy and seizure ? I think that an epilepsy would consider someone with a certain disease In the brain. The treatment for epilepsy would be cannabidiol and patients who have epilepsy would need to consult with a doctor If they can use cannabidiol. In the text “The case for assessing cannabidiol In epilepsy” It states that “Intractable epilepsies have an extraordinary Impact on cognitive and behavioral function and quality of life, and the treatment of seizures represents a challenge and a unique opportunity.” This article Is providing the Importance of cannabidiol in the treatment for epilepsy by providing the patients manifestation and the quality of life the patient has experienced. It addressed how theres a challenge to figure out because of the negative connotations that relates to the use of cannabis especially for medical purposes. The article expresses how epilepsy has a significant Impact on cognition and behavior throughout the life span, and how  the patients require an examination of several different aspects that might have a long lasting Impact on treatment for the patient. I know that the electrical activity occurs between neurons or the brain cells in an infants brain. It can happen for several reasons. The article states”A first step in this direction is to systematically investigate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and interactions of CBD with other anti-epileptic drugs and obtain an initial signal regarding efficacy at different dosages”. It provides Issues that happen with patients that suffer with epilepsy seek treatments that will help with their quality of life. If the doctors see that the child has tried medication at least 2 times and tests were being evaluated that means a surgery may be the solution to the issue. However, not all patients with epilepsy do surgeries unless there is no other option in the book. Sometimes patients take time to decide on what direction they will take when it comes to this issue. If they see that a low dose is not the solution they will eventually think about increasing it until they feel that it is the right dose. I feel that it would be important to know because some children who have epilepsy wont affect their ability to learn or achieve their goals academically but some might be in titled to extra time or support in class. It usually affects a lot of people over the course of the year.