“Cosmology: Understanding the Evolution of the Universe” published in 2015 by Shalini Saxena , and Britannica Educational Publishing Staff



The book begins with the ancient idea of what was the explanation of the universe throughout religion, culture, and tradition. Looking at the Greek culture and there believes on space, skies to be the heaven’s and that the stars and planets to be there gods and to never qustion those theory. Obviously with some time science would catch up and completely throw away those theories, finding out that our planet is not the center the solar system and that the stars, planets, and our sun are no gods. In between the 19-20th century is when scientist looked deeper into the hole idea of outter space. Albert Einstein being one of the first scientist to reveal his theories on time, space, matter, energy, and gravity to the worldm, jump starting the beginning of modern astronomy. Being one of the first scientist to look into the beginning of the universe and there theories.

Humanity has really come a long way in astronomy, coming from believing that outter space to the lands of the gods to there being a logical explanation on the existence of outter space. Other religions besides Greek most commonly explain that a god or higher being is the cause of the beginning of the universe. Albert Einstenin is someone that I believe that was responsible to help open people’s eyes on outter space and its different function with others like Henri Poincare and Hendrik Lorentz. As myself I and my family always believed in a god and responsible to creating the universe. One of the reasons I have always been interested in space and always will is because me and my hole family have been christians it was not until the start of my high school year was when I could truly begin to dig deep into outter space.

Going back to the big bang theory that was not recorded until 1927 by Georges Lemaître and would continue his reseach on the beginning of the universe with others following in with him. One easy answer to evidence of the big bang would be that everything is expanding, such as galaxies and solar systems. In pager 65 it states “Huge advances in our understanding of the cosmos have come in recent years, but many questions remain. Will the big bang scenario continue to account for the flood of new data on the universe’s structure?” I find this quite interesting because until we as a spacies are able to go out there and see for our selfs, we won’t be able to do much but ask questions and only be able to answer a small part of it and only those two.