Some genres that I feel I know well are music, movies like action, comedy, drama, horror, sci-fi, thriller, and crime. I have learned them in school and true facts from my mom when we watch movies at home or when we go to the movie theater. That’s how I learned them and they were very helpful. The common rhetorical features that music, action, comedy, drama, horror, sci-fi, thriller, and crime have is how they overlap with each other. They all connect with each other by watching it or just by hearing it. Their common feature is how the film displays them and demonstrates them to the public, as for music it is the same thing. Music connects to the movies by picking music that can connect with the movie you are watching. It’s all about visuals and hearing.

Genres that might give me good information for Unit 2 are action, mystery, and maybe sci-fi. Why you may ask is because my topic for Unit 2 is, “Can there be any form of World Peace across the globe?” So as you can see action, mystery, and maybe sci-fi can provide me the information on whether or not World Peace is possible on our planet. But that means I have to go and criticise which movie I could decide on picking to include in my Unit 2. But that doesn’t mean it could be accurate. See that’s the thing, I have to be very careful about which movie I would decide on choosing. Furthermore, what in particular about these genres that make them good potential sources for my topic is investigating which movie has a similar topic as mine. To pick and choose which movie’s, the main theme is about war and rather or not they can ask my question. Now for music, I have to go and research which music can relate to war, and rather or not they can ask my question to my topic.

The sources I was able to find that could potentially work in my Unit 2 topic question “Can there be any form of World Peace across the globe?” is action and the movies that relate to action were:

  • 12 Strong
  • 300 & 300 Rise Of An Empire
  • The Dark Knight & The Dark Knight Rises
  • The Day After Tomorrow
  • Godzilla & Godzilla King Of The Monsters
  • Greenland
  • I, Robot
  • Mortal Kombat
  • San Andreas
  • Terminator 1, 2, 3 
  • Braveheart