Is Surrogacy an Exploitation of Women’s Rights?  I think this is an unavoidable contradiction for society. There is always a family that longs to have children to be a part of them. When they can’t have children, but want to have children, surrogacy becomes a problem they have to think about.

The article,“Surrogacy: Ethical and Legal Issues”,it state“At a glance, surrogacy seems like an attractive alternative as a poor surrogate mother gets very much needed money, an infertile couple gets their long-desired biologically related baby and the country earns foreign currency, but the real picture reveals the bitter truth. Due to lack of proper legislation, both surrogate mothers and intended parents are somehow exploited and the profit is earned by middlemen and commercial agencies. ” This means that in the process of surrogacy, middleman exist action that exploitation surrogate mother rights to earn more money.  So I think making surrogacy a business will only increase this phenomenon.  The article also mentions another phenomenon that exists,“If we look upon the problem of surrogate mothers, things are even worse and unethical. The poor, illiterate women of rural background are often persuaded in such deals by their spouse or middlemen for earning easy money. These women have no right on decision regarding their own body and life.”  Such women are forced to participate in surrogacy in exchange for money, which they do not voluntarily do. Over time, I’m not sure if there will be a future where women are trafficked and forced to participate in surrogacy for money? The crime rate of abducting and trafficking in women may also increase along with it, thus affecting the stability of society. They will also face another problem after the surrogacy is completed,“The worst part is that in case of unfavorable outcome of pregnancy, they are unlikely to be paid, and there is no provision of insurance or post-pregnancy medical and psychiatric support for them. ” When they give birth the children, their physical and mental health is not guaranteed, even if surrogacy makes their lives difficult. If the surrogacy is unsuccessful, they get nothing, including compensation for the physical and psychological problems that arise during the surrogacy.