Topic: Can there be any form of Peace in this World across the globe? And if so, why is it so hard to maintain peace?

K: Know- Peace can come in different forms. But usually, it takes a longer period of time to maintain it. I know that in some cases, to maintain peace there is somewhat of a conflict since not everyone will agree with it and would want to go against it, causing war.

W: Want- I want to know why is it so hard to maintain world peace across the world. Like why so many conflicts, why can’t the world come to an agreement and be allies with one another and help each other to form this world peacefully, but stronger united as a whole. I want to know why nations across the world can’t share their resources with each other and come together and rebuild a stronger and safer world for the next upcoming generation to live in and so forth. Like right now, the war between Russia and Ukraine is going on and who knows when they are coming to terms with each other to negotiate. Like how come to get what you want there’s always some form of conflict that ends up growing and advancing to something more dangerous like war. And on top of that civilians are getting injured and killed knowing that they have nothing to do with it. Ok fine, have a war but somewhere that the civilians aren’t getting killed. Just keep among yourselves. Far away from other people who got nothing to do with it.

L: Learned- In this article talks about how the United Nations are trying to help to maintain peace across the globe. And they are talking about the tensions between Russia and Ukraine. How the United Nations state, ““Now, we all have to choose between peace and aggression, between justice and the will of the strongest, between taking action and turning a blind eye.”  While Germany is providing food, aid and shelter for refugees, she said it has decided to support Ukraine militarily to protect itself, in line with Article 51 of the Charter.” I still want to know why is it so hard to maintain peace?

+ Still want to Know: The questions that I still want to know is why does war exist and how come its hard to maintain peace? Why is peace so rare to find while conflict and war is so easy to spot across the globe? All these questions probably do got answers and some may not. Thats why I’m here to find out if there is some form of answer to my questions.