When I was a kid, I’ve always had an interest in learning how to skateboard, Because It just seems so cool If I learn how to skateboard. So there’s a place to skate after school and I brought a skateboard with me just to ask questions about skating, asking people which feet should I hop on first and how do I turn.  But Unfortunately, my parents don’t allow me to skate because they have noticed other kids that skate got themselves injured pretty badly. So they don’t want that to happen to me.  When I was in middle school, I was being bullied by the same group of people all the time and I couldn’t do anything back I felt weak. Because of how much I was getting bullied In school, I’ve decided to change myself and workout and started kickboxing to grow my mental health and strengthen my physical body. This mindset has been growing over the years and I never stopped working out Because I don’t want people around me getting hurt or getting bullied by other people. And one last thing that I am pretty curious about is Astrology and zodiac signs, There are a lot of factors included when referring to this topic because there are no accurate answers to this because it’s a myth. I am really into Astrology and zodiac signs because Learning about different zodiac signs can get you in the field thinking that does this applies to this person or does this person acts this way based on their zodiac sign.  or even learning different signs of compatibility because based on the internet, some signs don’t get along with each other based on their behavior or the way they act. But the reason why I still believe in this is mainly that it’s fairly accurate based on what I’ve seen so far.