• “When we understand research as a process of discovery rather than a process of proof, we open ourselves up to be changed by our research—to better our lives, our decisions, and our world. We acknowledge that we do not have the only or the best answer to every question, and that we might learn something from considering the ideas of others.” (pg 233, second paragraph) This quote teaches the reader that you should research your topic with an open mind to discover facts rather than finding proof of ones opinion.
  • “Viewing research as a process of discovery allows us to accept that not every question is answerable and that questions sometimes lead only to more questions.” (pg 233, third paragraph)  This quote let’s me know that even as you researc, you might not be able to find your answer and that researching might lead to you asking many more questions than originally thought.
  • “Although our culture would tell us that we have to know everything, and that we should even begin a research project by knowing the answer to our question, there is obvious value in using research as a tool to engage our curiosity and sense of wonder as human beings—perhaps even to improve our lives or the lives of others.” (pg 234, second paragraph)  This quote is telling the reader that you may think you have the answer to a question you have, there is still a positive outcome of researching a certain topic and it is the most imporant tool to answer our curiosity.