Some topics that I was interested in when I was a kid were boxing, CIA Agent, FBI, cooking, actor, and becoming a doctor. I mean don’t get me wrong I am still interested in these topics, but it ain’t the same when I was back when I was in elementary school or in middle or even in high school. I was interested in becoming the next pro boxer, but all that changed back in middle school. That was because my Uncle was the one who taught me how to box, but once he passed away I never touched a boxing glove ever again. Now for the CIA or FBI, I was so interested in those topics was because one my cousin, two the actions movies, and three because I saw it as an adventure. As for asking questions about these topics helped, it can further my understanding of whether or not I will be actually interested or not. My curiosity was changed over time and has grown over the years since I changed what I was interested in. How you might ask, will for one becoming an actor or wanting to be one change since my parents never saw that good (as in making money). And two, wanting to be a doctor was interested at the time, but now not anymore since my father wanted me to become a doctor since it makes good money. But I realize it requires a lot of studying and more college time. The only thing I was interested back in the day that hasn’t changed was cooking. I love cooking and I am very passionate about cooking. But my dad warned me to not pick chief or any type of cooking as a major in college. Because he saw it as a sign of wasting time and money in college. The role that the educational system played in my curiosity while growing up was very bad. I couldn’t ask questions if it wasn’t related to the topic, or if it was related to the topic it was too in-depth. So in reality I stopped asking questions if it wasn’t related to the topic of today’s lesson or if it’s going to be on the test or quiz. Now as of today the topics I am interested in are basketball, music, cooking, and peace in our time (whether or not that does still exist). And why you asked, it’s because it intrigued my interest and it’s fun learning something new out of the ordinary.