It was cold chilly morning I was going to my first class of the day which is algebra this takes place when I was in high school. As I was entering the classroom it was rather bit dark cause some of the lights were off, but as I went inside I sat down in my seat taking out of my things my pencil, notebook and my homework so my teacher can check it. The routine when we enter the class is usually sit down, take out things and work whatever was on the board and after came together as class to answer and then eventually start the lesson. As the class was going on my teacher said there was going to be test and we all had to be prepared and knowing me that I hate math I hated test days because I always struggled with math class and knowing that I had to take the regents exam and to pass it in order to graduate scared me because I thought  I was going to fail and never graduate from high school. It was hard knowing that I was going have to the subject I disliked first thing in the morning it wouldn’t have been a problem if it was later in the day but when I had to start my day everyday with this algebra class with a teacher that I don’t particular like makes my day really bad. There are times where I don’t even show up to class my teacher has habit on picking at students who don’t like coming up to the board to do the question and when that time I try to avoid or don’t show up to class because I am scared that when does pick on me I wouldn’t know how to do the problem and call me out in front of everyone which I really hate.My view on education changed when I had to take my algebra class for the second time because I know when I first took the class I barley showed up and didn’t do really well on classwork, homework,test and because I got a bad grade which ended up me taking the class again which was annoying but knowing what I did to the class I regretted a lot because not only do I have to take the algebra class again I also took another math class making me which was really annoying. But after knowing most of the materials both of my teachers helped me pass there class as well as the regents exam and really taught about the learning world. Though I don’t like any math courses I know that’s it’s important learn them because who knows it can come in handy someday.Now how does this whole experience of mine in high school might relate to the Standard Written English(SWE) you might ask lets first get to know SWE. Standard Written English defines as an implement on improving your writing skills for the better. All of this helped me show another side of the educational world that I didn’t notice before I really didn’t focus on my reading or my writing skills and just wrote whatever not paying attention to any instructions but now knowing that impact it had on my education life it made me understand how important writing and reading is not just for my algebra class but for all. This experience really changed on how I views education because knowing what I did with this class I regretted everything and if I had chance to do it all over again I would paid more attention in class not just algebra but all of my classes because I knew that I could have done way better now that I look back at it again. I know that what I experience in high school may be different from other people’s perspective but I know that each student is different and people look at education in different ways some can be positive others can be negative thoughts.I know that my high school experience wasn’t that bad compared to my middle school experience which to me was one of my most painful yet hardest three years of my life. If I could restart my high school year I would take it because I feel like I could have done so much better and stopped myself from doing bad things that I knew affected my life. Knowing all of my mistakes that I made in high school I made sure I told myself that I wouldn’t do the same mistake that I did in high school in college because not everyone has the opportunity to go to college for many reasons which could be like for financial issues or it could not knowing what to study having commitment issues etc.  Therefore I would be taking my education really seriously and not let anything thing get in my way because not only do I want to make in big in life I also want to make my family happy and not disappoint them because I knew that were not happy with how I was in high school so with college I wanna do the opposite and make them proud. I also want to be a good role model to my younger sister who will be soon be going to college and because of this I need to set a good example of myself and not slack of college because I don’t want her to seem that college life is easy and it’s way different from high school and that your education for college should me taken sersiously because it could lead you to many benefits. Honestly speaking I feel like students should really care about their education because it can teach you a lot of things in life and you can gain insight of things you never knew about it but not everyone might agree on it since everyone views education in a different way. In the end if you think that education is important to you then go for it because nobody going to stop you from learning.