When I was younger, I was terrible at school I never found motivation for it until I met Ms. Rod my old math teacher in middle school. She came into the school and helped me out like if I was her own child. It was a beautiful day in the Spring. We’re in an empty classroom during lunchtime she buys me food while she helps me do homework that I struggled with even if it wasn’t for math. The room smells like erasers and that amazing food she bought for us. The light from the windows is shining down on my work making it hard to see what I’m writing. Lunchtime is officially over, and you can hear the students running up the stairs sounding like a stampede of bulls trying to get to class. When lunchtime officially ended, she reviewed the work we did during that time because she wanted to make sure I fully understood and with her by my side helping me I felt like I could do anything.  For the rest of the school year, she would help me with any class that I needed help in. Before she came into the school, I didn’t do work and if I did i would get a poor grade on the assignment because I wouldn’t pay attention at all I wasn’t interested in anything with what the teachers were teaching about. But once she came, she saw my struggle and immediately helped me, and I couldn’t be more grateful because she changed my view on education. I used to think education wasn’t important and there was nothing interesting to it, but I was wrong. Education can show you many things about this world and how crazy it is. Ms. Rod motivated me to be invested into my future instead of ruining it. After a year of working in the middle school she left for a better opportunity at another school. It hurt to see her leave but everything she taught me I took with me into high school. A few years pass and I officially graduated and was moving on to another chapter into my life. My first year of high school was another experience that changed my view on education. It was the first day of being in high school for the next 4 years.  My heart was jumping out my chest from how nervous I was to meet new people and start a new chapter in my life.  I came into my first year very relaxed and nonchalant about school because I thought your first year wasn’t important at all, so I didn’t put full effort into my classes. I started making new friends and started finding new hobbies. I wasn’t worried about school at all I thought I had all the time in the world but then reality hit. I was failing more classes then passing, when I was told that there was a possibility of me not graduating on time if I keep on failing my classes my heart felt heavy.  It had felt like I been in this position before and then it hit me I was doing exactly what I did when I was younger, I was fooling around and not caring for school again. A new semester started, and I made it my mission to get back on track and never make the mistake again of slacking off in school I knew better.  As my freshman year was coming to an end, I had put myself back on track well for the most part. I had failed math and needed to go to summer school, but I ended up passing.  I was beyond proud of myself for putting myself back on track, but I still made sure to put my full effort into school for the next 3 years.  My sophomore year was amazing It was the best of done in school in a really long time and it felt amazing especially making my parents proud of the work I’ve done. It was the first time I was actually happy to be in school, I was surprised at how nice it felt doing well in school. With my sophomore year coming to an end, I wanted to do even better than what I did my second year, I wanted to exceed expectations.  The next 2 years life changed with the pandemic, but I didn’t want to lose motivation and give up. It was hard but I got it done. I had finally graduated high school and started my young adult life.  My freshman year changed my view on education because it made me become a better student and fix my mistakes. Turning around my freshman year made the last 3 years better than anything I could’ve ever imagined in school. It showed that when you actually care about your education you will feel much better about yourself.