My future self, hopefully you remembered to go back and read this at the end of the semester, cause if you don’t then what’s the point. I hope you have accomplished all of the goals that I am about to list. I hope you passed all your classes this semester cause wasting money is pretty bad. I hope you finally finished that personal project that you forgot about because it’s something I was really hoping you would finish. I hope you made some worthwhile friends talked to anybody at all because I know you like to be silent except when you’re not. There are probably more but they aren’t on the mind right now. This semester is still a start on your long journey of college so don’t get discourged and don’t slack off. If you have your act together early on, then you’ll be able to keep it together in the long run. Either way, you’re probably tired from doing a lot of writing and typing, so to relax you, here’s a picture of a dog.

Do you get it? I hope not.