A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Core Value

My core values would be being transparent. I believe that truths can’t be concealed it will come up eventually but not in a way that it originally was but worse so being straight forward at the beginning can help avoid bigger issues in the future. This reflects me as a person because you see what you get with no strings attached. I say how I feel with no hesitation so I won’t leave people questioning how they feel about me or any situation. Honestly is the best policy in my book and I think people should feel more comfortable knowing that I’m honest. So I think that’ll help me in the long run In character development.


This value relates to my goals for the future because it’ll help me make more connections in the world with people. Also it helps me share my perspective on things and help share new opinions to start new conversations to get the ball running. I can also be a problem solver for issues around. It can also show my honest in a work environment for my boss and coworkers. I think it can be very impactful. It can be useful for me in the future.


Improving my writing and communication skills can help me achieve my goals because it’ll help me understand what I’m reading or writing better. Also it’ll help me communicate better with my peers on how I feel about a topic so it’ll help me improve communication. I think improving these strategies would help me become better honestly. Improving my self on these will help me get to my goal. It’ll help me work on my self and continuing working on my self.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    A very thoughtful response, Emily!

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