Q6-As the genres changed my writing has changed by writing in different ways like for the first time I wrote an article which to me was different because I was so used to writing essays that I never got to explore other writing genres like an article. For the assignments I think my writing has changed by making me following more of the writing prompts that were given to for the assignment because for some it was lengthy and required more for you to write and others less, also I write a lot more after doing these genres and assignment because I have never written something that requires more than 750 or 1,000 words.

Q7-For my assignments when it came to making decisions and content I usually look up other writer on how they make their content because usually when I do that I gain some insightful information as well as giving me inspiration so then I can do what I need to do for my assignments. Also after looking at other people content I then brainstorm and write out what I can do different for my assignment that was given to me.

Q8-My early assumption that I made on myself for writing was that I can never write something that concludes over 700 words or even 1,000 because for me that was a lot of words I have never written that much and when I was doing the assignments for this class and saw the word count I thought it was too many words and I can never be able to complete it. I could say not that has changed well it all depends on the topic I am writing about because if the topic contains a lot of information then it’s possible for me to write more but I think the fear of writing so much with a high word count is gone.

Q9-My experience on revising assignments was I would say not great because for me if I have written something I never look back at again and just keep it on how it is because I never really revising in the first place and so when there are times when I had to revise I do a little and that’s about it, I never look back at my work after it has been handed in.

Q10-For this course in this semester the most challenging was my assignments and was I going to do all of them and handing them on time. I say this because I always do my assignments on the day of when the assignments are due. I am not sure why I do this but every time this always happens also for handing the assignments on time I was really bad at but now its slowly getting better. As for doing all of the assignments I sometimes forget to do all like I say I would do it but then when the times comes I completely forgot and I sometimes don’t know why this happens.