Q1 Throughout this semester I think I had improved my reading and writing. I may not have been very constant with my work but I believe I have learned a few good lessons and this semester overall had been quite fruitful to me.

As a reader I have learnt that reading is the first basic stage that makes us familiar with a plethora of information. The more we read the better we get at different ideas. Reading enhances our vocabulary, communication skills and knowledge. And as we gain knowledge by reading, we understand how things work, we start to question How? and Why? As a good reader now I process my ideas and information deeply. I think and rethink and have become a critical thinker. Reading has significantly broadened my views and knowledge in addition to improving vocabulary.

Initially I thought that writing was not my cup of tea because I am into sports and fun filled activities more. But as I had to work on different assignment my early perception of myself about writing has slightly changed. Now I feel I have improved and get to know myself and others better through simple writing and understanding the meaning attached to certain ideas and understanding why. Writing is like testing what you have learned so far or how much do we know about something. Writing reflects our thought process and also the efforts we put. When I write I try to keep the content in sync and easily understandable. I make sure that I include the important points in good detail and the content makes sense and looks complete. As a writer I have made quite a progress but I still needs to work upon my grammar and vocabulary to be better at it and also doing some good research.

As a scholar I have learned a lot. From reading and annotating different writers works to self- introspection and brainstorming our own research genre topics. I have learned how to continuously connect with our work and improve as we move forward. Being a procrastinator, it is often hard for me to stay focused and consistent. I have learned the importance of time management and how to prioritize things. It helps to deal with unnecessary stress and anxiety. I have learned the importance of revision to improve our quality and reduce our mistakes to be a better version of ourselves. As a scholar I have learnt to continue to strive for better and higher.

Q2 The knowledge and experience that I had gained this semester will definitely help me in one way or the other. This semester has taught me how to look into things in a deep and meaningful manner and analyse. It not only gave me new knowledge but also taught me other skills like time management, coping with stress and importance of good research for making our writing informative and impressive. I have learned the importance of revision, artist statement and how it reduces our mistakes and improves our overall writing process. And how focus and consistency help us to achieve our goal.

Q3 At the beginning of the semester we were just getting the feel of writing, we began writing off by annotating a lot and thinking deeply into scenearios to become better writers and critical thinkers. Then coming to the end of the semester to revising work, brainstorming previous work and wrapping up with the final reflection for the semester. I have tried to keep up the momentum and I believe I have become better and improved myself at writing and expressing.

Q4 My least favorite assignment was unit 2 RAB because over the days doing that assignment I was very overwhelmed having to get the minimum of about 2,000 words and in the correct way professor wanted. I particularly liked doing ‘The maker’ s eye’. The name itself is unique and striking. The quotes ‘writing is rewriting’ and ‘writing is a never ending process’ still resonate in my mind. It taught me how writing can be more powerful and the manner can influence people greatly.

Q5 I think the important lesson that I have learned is that one should know what they are doing and what they want to do. So that we have a clarity of ideas and we don’t get confused. Because when we don’t know what we are doing it is easy to get annoyed and we tend to give up. I realised the importance of self-introspection to understand our opinions. It is easy for me to work on some topic that the professor assigns but when it comes to choosing our own topic, I find it difficult because there is so much information and topics and I just get messed up. So the thought process matters and also managing time well meeting the deadlines.

Q6 As the genre and assignments changed, I get familiar with new information and how to think in a certain manner I get our answers. I got impressed by how one thing can have multiple roadmaps,

many answers and ways of expression. I think I have improved my reading, thinking and writing. I have learned new words and how to frame or arrange our ideas for the final work to make it easy for readers to understand us. I got better in understanding different meanings or style of writing as we move to different genres.

Q7 Breaking down the task for my readers, making the elements of the task clear. Gathering enough information helped me analyze all outcomes. I generally start with understanding the aim of the task like what it basically is asking. Then I tried to narrow down the things that I will be talking about and then being elaborate so that the final piece looks cohesive.

Q8 My few worries were what reader I wanted to read my work and that somewhat had me stuck trying to figure out which type of genre will I be writing. Understanding the things that I want to explain and write took me time to figure out.

I have never considered myself well in writing but I try to do better at each attempt. My beliefs have changed as I work and learn more and more.

Q9 I haven’t revised an assignment yet I am currently working on it, but last week we sort of went back to revised an assignment we did in the beginning of the semester called “time capsule” in class to see what changed? what we achieved? and what we learned, so i fairly got the feel of revision and with the addition of me currently working on on. I know revision improves the quality of work so I will try to do it more often in future. It kind of give us a reflection of our mistakes and the scope of improvement which I think we all need.

Q10 I find writing essays challenging. Because there is so much information that I find it difficult how to begin with, what all things I should talk about and what to avoid. Also writing lengthy essay can be a bit tricky and exhausting. I tried to overcome this by first understanding the topic then thinking of few key point and making a rough draft. I try to research and read more to write better.