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Unit 3 Writing in a New Genre

John Paul Tenemaza

Eng 1101

Professor Cole

World Peace

Throughout my Unit 2 project, I researched whether or not there is a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe? And from what I have found, turns out that it is possible for our world to have a chance at world peace. But it all starts with us. Whether we like it or not we are the cause of it. We first, need to come to an agreement that World peace is possible. But it provides a lot of support within our community, our city, our country, and our world. Furthermore in my research, I came across multiple explanations on whether World Peace is achievable. All my source entries came to the same conclusion. Which was World Peace can coexist as long as we as human beings can come to agree with each other and come together as a whole. To support one another and help each other. Having countries become allies with one another. While making peace treaties that support each other while having both sides win.

My goal is to educate students from 12 graders to freshmen in college since they are more mature and old enough to handle it. To understand and be curious about the topic that I am trying to present. To make sure they don’t ignore the topic since it is not a laughing matter. That they must take it very seriously since people right now are currently affected by it. How I will target my audience is by introducing a scene from the movie called “Braveheart.” This movie is the key to my presentation. Braveheart gives detail, emotion, action, and suspense. The scenery of the filming locations in Scotland and Ireland is beautiful and breathtaking, the cinematography is spectacular. The movie sets, costumes, and weapons are very well made. From suffering to courage to love is depicted. As we continue, fellow students. I will start off with my presentation by watching “Braveheart,” from the movie we will be watching a specific part of the scene to show you and visually see the lengths to achieve peace.

Click this link right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIvRkjOd1f8&t=35s and watch it till the very end. Once you have watched the whole thing, let me give you background information about what “Braveheart” is about and why I picked it, and how it connects to my topic overall. On google, it states “Braveheart is about William Wallace a medieval Scottish patriot who is spurred into revolt against the English when the love of his life is slaughtered. Leading his army into battles that become a war, his advance into England threatens King Edward I’s throne before he is captured and executed, but not before becoming a symbol for a free Scotland.” Now for why I picked it and how it connects to the topic. Will let me explain. I picked this movie for the emotion, history, and the impact it has when someone is watching this movie. Especially, watching that specific scene from the movie, from the link that I provided. That scene I provided has a significant connection to my topic. That scene is a speech that is being given by the main character William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson who also directed the movie). In addition, that speech has a lot of depth and emotion about the whole significants of the movie and my topic. Moreover, I wanted to show you how peace can be achieved. Yes, it was violent, but you can see it yourself and feel the connection between the main character and the plot of the movie. You can empathize with everyone else in the movie and the struggle they’re facing just so they can have their freedom. As a result, William Wallace made a huge impact on everyone in the movie and us as the audience. To come to terms with how much we need to fight for our freedom and how far we have come. To figure out what we need to do and to go on the right path to come closer to World Peace.


Artist Statement 

I became interested in the topic of world peace since not many people ask questions about world peace. This topic became very interesting in doing the research because to me as a person I am a pacifist type of person. But being a pacifist it is also kinda hard to see that war can or can’t be unjustifiable. How I became curious about world peace was watching movies, watching the news, and reading about war and documentaries on the internet. And one day the idea came to me, wondering whether or not there’s a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe? That’s why I researched a lot of entry sources explaining the possibility of World Peace. And how World Peace is achievable, but it starts with us. Coming together, and forming organizations that support and help many countries that are struggling with peace.

The purpose of this project is to educate my fellow audience who are in high school going to college. To be able to understand and be curious about it, while living in today’s sociality. Can there be a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe? To come to an agreement on whether or not it can be answered? I wanted my audience to be at least 18 years and up since they are more mature and to take it very seriously. To make sure that the audience understands the topic itself, and why it must be taken seriously since it is not a laughing matter. And hopefully, my audience will be able to leave my presentation with curiosity, questions, and understanding. Also, I see my project itself shown in a classroom or in an auditorium since it’s a formal, informative, educational presentation. Furthermore, the appeals that I am currently using are pathos and ethos. Since they provide my project with emotion and credibility.

As for my presentation, I will be using a movie named “Braveheart.” It’s a movie about war, freedom, and peace. But the movie I will be using a specific scene from the movie. The scene itself is 2 minutes and 48 seconds long. Long enough to keep my audience entertained and visible pleasing. This made me realize that my audience will be entertained since my goal is to make it not boring. But something unique and new. But with the movie, I will have to create a short speech or article about why I picked it and how it connects to the topic of World Peace.

The process of making my project the way it is. By using my imagination while being creative at the same time. As well as including a movie that in my opinion best suits fit my audience. Then, finding a movie that connects to my topic while having my one goal in mind. To make sure that my audience doesn’t get bored. Next, I went to make sure that incorporate my topic from Unit 2 and explain why in I picked World Peace as my topic. What didn’t work so well was creating a book since my audience will get bored. Because the whole point of my project is to make sure I did something that was new and unique. Who I turned to for help is my Professor Cole. She was able to clarify in detail what the project needs to be about. While asking my sister to be my audience and tested out on her whether or not she was entertained by it and see if she got bored at any moment. When I did panic was whether or not the movie can connect with my audience and with my topic overall. What I did was watch the scene that I picked and test it out with my sister and friends, and to see whether or not they liked it and ask for their honest feedback.

I think that it turned out unique as I wanted it to be. While making sure that my audience doesn’t get bored throughout the whole presentation. I saw my appeals evolve as beautiful as the sunset. It came together perfectly in my honest opinion. The movie and the scene itself worked like a charm. It was short, sweet, and straight to the point. If I had the time, what I would have done differently is to actually present it to my class. To see their honest reactions and feedback. To understand what different approaches I could have taken to my project. Maybe include the audience more than just make them watch my presentation, but incorporate them somehow. To have my audience be part of the presentation, instead of just being an audience. What I am happy about is the movie that I picked. And if you haven’t watched Braveheart, please do so and tell me what you think of the movie. The project itself was both easy and hard. The hardest part was finding a genre that best presents my project, and to make sure that my audience doesn’t get bored so easily. How I feel having to do something like this as a college project was fun and very creative. It gets the student itself thinking while forming creativity in it. It was an amazing experience since it was something new. While I do see myself using this in the future to approach audience’s to my project that goes with my career. Overall, this was an incredible experience and to be able to see other people approach their projects differently is mindblowing. Imagination and creativity together work alongside each other.




1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    OK, John, I am in receipt of your Unit 3 assignment.

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