– Donald Murray informs the reader that once one has finished revising their draft, the writing process truly begins. (paragraph 1)

– Murray tells us that a writer must develop a special reading skill that helps a writer further understand  what’s needed to revise draft after draft. (paragraphs 2-3)

– Donald Murray explains that criticism towards one’s writing is a positive thing a writer can use, a writer must be suspicious of compliments since he claims writers may not rely on others. That one shouldn’t admire their piece of writing as one’s feelings can get in the way of a good writing. (paragraphs  4-7)

– A good writing piece goes through many stages of rewrites in forms of many drafts which takes time. This leads to a writer finding deeper meanings in their writing rewrites and “it’s ought to be done” A writer finds information, which then leads into the meaning of their work. (paragraph 10-13)