I became interested in the topic of world peace since not many people ask questions about world peace. This topic became very interesting in doing the research because to me as a person I am a pacifist type of person. But being a pacifist it is also kinda hard to see that war can or can’t be unjustifiable. How I became curious about world peace was watching movies, watching the news, and reading about war and terrorism on the internet. And one day the idea came to me, wondering whether or not there’s a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe?

The purpose of this project is to educate my fellow audience who are in high school going to college. To be able to understand and be curious about it, while living in today’s sociality. Can there be a possibility of maintaining World Peace across the globe? To come to an agreement on whether or not it can be answered? I wanted to direct my topic towards the audience specifically who are in high school going into college (estimated ages 18 and up).  Since they are more mature, the topic itself must be taken seriously since it is not a laughing matter. And hopefully, my audience will be able to leave my presentation with curiosity, questions, and understanding. Also, I see my project itself shown in a classroom or in an auditorium since it’s a formal, informative, educational presentation. Furthermore, the appeals that I am currently using are pathos and ethos. Since they provide my project with emotion and credibility.

As for my presentation, I will be using a movie named “Braveheart.” It’s a movie about war, freedom, and peace. But the movie I will be using a specific scene from the movie. The scene itself is 2 minutes and 48 seconds long. Long enough to keep my audience entertained and visible pleasing. This made me realize that my audience will be entertained since my goal is to make it not boring. But something unique and new. But with the movie, I will have to create a short speech or article about why I picked it and how it connects to the topic of World Peace.