My topic for this project was religion and astrology and within these two I wanted to know if they were compatible with one another . And so far with my topic my project idea was to do an article because I felt like it was perfect for what my topic was about.The reason on why I wanted to know this is because I have always like astrology and what to know more about and since I was so invested the topic of astrology and I wanted to know if there was there something else that connected with it or how it started its history and where it gots it’s roots from and so I thought of religion. I thought these two were perfect for each other because when I saw the amount of history that they have with each other I wanted to explore more on this topic and I did that.

The reason why I wanted to do this for my project was because it good and simple way to portray my topic on astrology and religion and since it’s pretty much a mature topic to talk about I felt doing an article is great way to my point across because it can contain the information that I want to portray and I could also and lots of visual relating to my topic. The purpose for this project was to show that astrology and religion are compatible with each other and they have a lot of things in common, because knowing most people they might not support this idea which is okay because we all have different opinions and this is what I think is possible. The audience that I want to direct this information is young adults 17+ because being a much more serious and mature topic I feel like that best audience to read out to also if you like astrology and religion and what to learn more about them in different aspects.

I chose this genre because I feel like its the best way to get my topic across and it’s also a better way to show off what I am thinking about this topic and since its article I basically can add anything whether that adding lots of visuals, texts, changing up the format basically customizing on how I want it to look like.