I became interested in my topic on patients with brain disorders because I have always wanted to learn more about the way doctors treat their patients especially when they have a disorder. This topic was something i was curious because it also deals with science in a way which science is something i am decent in. Therefore, some patients grow out of certain disabilities they may have and some may not which also led me to be curious on this specific topic.

The whole purpose of my project is to get my audience which are dealing with college students and above that may be interested in the topic i am writing about because some who are working towards pursuing a career as a doctor or a nurse perhaps this may help them comprehend a little bit about the patients. My project will be written as an article since it’s more informational and research based topic.

I chose writing an article for my project because some students may want to see more research rather than something different regarding the topic that is based on the medical field. I feel like when your doing a research based topic that’s when an article comes in so that the reader has more to learn based on the patient and  their health