My goal for working on this over break is first gathering articles and or magazines that cover the topics of astrology and religion. Another goal of mine over this break is how I want my layout too look like and to see if I can get my message across.Then try to break down and select on which articles or magazines that I will want a similar outlet too .Maybe even gather videos that I found interesting so then I can work around out it.Think maybe on how I want to set up which includes the visuals, colors, and texts styles.Going through different genre pieces that can correlate to my topic. Brainstorming on how I want to approach my topic. Also I have to think about how I long I want my piece to be so during the break I will probably plan out or write a draft of the following piece for unit 3. Probably going to work on researching more of topic that is astrology and religion and see on what I missed out on so maybe I can then add to my unit 3 project.