There were some pretty good articles on my topic of astrology and religion compatible there were different forms of articles and the way they were present were different from one another. On the site there were many pictures that were presented that caught may attention as well as how they break it down for you in paragraph form. This tells me that their audience is for someone who really wants a deeper meaning to this topic and wants to know if these two are right for one another and also for someone who wants to know if there is anything that can be linked to astrology and be on the same level or page as them. I can draw this conclusion because of how they title and introduce their topic to the audience and also the type of pictures that are used to bring in the audience attention. Usually the pieces are broken down into paragraphs which depending can be about 5-8 sentences and some of the paragraph are labeled for us, so if you want to know about something specific instead of reading the whole thing, go to the section that you need to know and start from there. The tone for these pieces are serious but at the same time casual and trying to connect with their audience. The dictation that is used is formal, academic and understanding. They usually use evidence from data like from ages that are somewhat connected into astrology and religion like millennials to younger generations also some are from back in the centuries since the history of astrology and religion goes way back with each other. The visual presentation for these articles are that some of the pictures are black and white because they were old pictures from back then and some are colored pictures, there is both black, white and colored pictures and each of the pictures has it’s purpose. I think this would be a good publication to reach my intended audience because I want my topic to come off has really simple to understand without it sounding to complicated, because if it’s going to be really long then it will enjoyable to understand and many people won’t like that so getting your point across without making it to difficult to understand is best.