A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Proposal

COVID-19 the worldwide pandemic has vastly impacted parents and students. The beginning of online learning and the loss of jobs was one of the results. Parents and students had to adapt to a different lifestyle, filled with social distancing and a whole new world. The audiences I am trying to reach are parents and students, preferably those who are interested and watch the daily news, or news in general. The genre I would be planning on writing would be more like an interview shown on a news channel and then later shown on social media. It would be newsworthy content displayed on social media.  In interviews for example, during the pandemic, many interviews were going around of people reacting to job losses or government help. I would like to present this information on how to be more active as a parent through the hard times of having a teen or young adult during quarantine, explaining the pros and cons, and I would also like to teach young adults how to cope through the pandemic. I plan on getting starting by writing down all of my information and later on writing a script for the interview or the video I could be recording.  Something I could be worried bout would be the flow of my interview, and the time management, so it won’t be too long or too short. Also, something very important would be to capture both audiences which is something I have to work on. Concerns about finishing this project would be minimal, due to it being a video but collecting all the information would be my main concern.

1 Comment

  1. bri

    I know you mentioned how you want to explain the pros and cons of covid 19 I feel like you should be a little more explicit on the pros and cons. When you talk about the pros and cons you should brainstorm some ideas on how It had affected people that had lost their jobs. Honestly, I would talk about how people had no choice but to get vaccinated in order to get around. Since you are going to be making it into a video, I think that you should gather all the information that is needed for you to do the video. Therefore, there is something that I would keep in mind which is What did you find interesting about this particular topic? Are you going to actually reach new Yorkers? I would think about an interesting way to start the proposal when you do eventually get into the video portion.

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