A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 proposal

The audience should be taught how patients should consult with their doctor to check and verify If cannabidiol (CBD) would be a good prevention for epilepsies. Audience should be aware of how some patients do not take their medications the way It has been prescribed. The audience I am trying to reach Is college students who are going to study In the medical field and learn about patients with epilepsies and seizures. The genre I want to mainly focus on Is a research article because this topic Is technically researching about patients who suffer with the brain disorder and how patients can be treated. In order to begin this proposal, I plan to collect all my research and decide on an interesting opening so that I can get audience Interested In my proposal. Something that would make me concerned based on this would be If I am satisfied with this proposal towards the end. I am concerned about If I have enough information to provide in the article. Towards the end of the proposal, I do not want to have technical issues or miss any information based on patients with epilepsies and seizures. Therefore, I want to be satisfied with the end of the proposal.

1 Comment

  1. John Paul

    I know you said you want that your audience is college students, but you have to be more specific since college students are a very broad audience. Like are you trying to reach New Yorkers? Also, you said you are going to use a research article, but can you be more specific. Like are you going to use the New York Times or Havard University since they have enough amount of information on doctor-related questions and topics? What I found most interesting about your proposal is a new research topic about CBD. And to be honest, I have not heard of this so this will be very intriguing to learn.

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