A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Proposal

Knowing the benefits of multiplayer games and that you can socialize are great, but I doubt people know where to start. With this Unit 3 project, I want to teach my audience about the type of connections that can be made through gaming and how to make them. Whether it be friendships, communities, or even content creators, they can all be made through gaming. The audience I am targeting are gamers who are more on the anti-social or introverted side so I can let them know that games can give them the opportunity to be less introverted and to be more social. But I also have another target audience, that being people who are looking for a new way to socialize. Not only can they make new friends through games, they can also experience the world of gaming and have a new source of entertainment. The best way to appeal to an audience like this would most likely be a short Youtube video that can be informative and grab their attention. But making a video isn’t going to be that simple. I’ll need fun visuals, something that really keeps them watching. Gamers wouldn’t want to watch a person talk on a screen, so I’m going to have to improve my editing skills in order to get their attention. But for now, the best way to start is to make a script for the video.



  1. George

    I agree playing games can build social skills and be more comfortable talking to people especially with people who are anti social, it good to start off talking online and then build your way up when they are more comfortable talking to people in the real world. It helps people who have trouble making friends in the real world because naturally everyone are more social online because it less pressure because you only hear the sound of their voice but sometimes online friends can meet in real life so I also agree it can make more friends and be less isolated.

  2. GeorgeAG

    I agree because people have trouble socializing in the real world so online is a good way to socialize easier and build more confidence in the real world cuz sometimes online friends can meet in real life if they are close enough. Socializing online can make a person feel less isolated if a person is having trouble making friends it’s also less pressure because you only hear the sound of their voice can see each other

  3. Jordan De La Rans

    I like your unit 3 project. I like this project because I am very much a gamer myself and not many people understand the connections, they can make through video games. Sometimes these connections can change your life like how some of these big content creators’ lives’ have changed because of video games. I think you picked the perfect audience for your project because anti-social people really do keep to them self’s and entering the gaming world can really open up their mind and can really help them be more social in the world. I think a short YouTube video is perfect because it won’t be too long, so the audience won’t get bored. Making the video fun with nice visuals always keeps people entertained and wanting more. I’m excited to see how your project turns out because its special to see video games help people out when they least expect it. 

  4. Donovan Bailey

    I am really interested in this Unit 3 proposal you’re doing. Since we are both doing similar topics about video games, and as a gamer myself, I could understand this topic very well. I once had to learn to speak with people online and be comfortable with them enough for them to invite me to their community. Now I play games with them very often. When you talk about your secondary audience, I think you should be more specific about the people who are looking for a new way to socialize. What age would they be? Would they be interested in video games or not? And so on and so forth. I do believe that a video could be the best option for hooking a person from your audience to this topic and I think that the fun visuals would definitely be able to catch their attention. Good luck with this proposal!

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