My target audience are young adults to teenagers. I want to reach to them because these two groups will be in charge of the world. After the current adults of the world get old its up to them to make changes for a better future. I believe they should know all about technology and the changes that’s comes with it along with the pros and cons. The genre I am planning on using is video recording. Young adults and teenagers don’t want to wants to read about technology instead the want to see it for themselves. That how I can get them invested in my topic. I intend to get started by researching other videos talking about technology to see how will it be like and what I can use in my own video to get their attention. After that I use what I gathered from other people and do it my own way that way I will know what the liked and didn’t like. Something I might be worried about is if I can appeal to nobody and my assignment doesn’t go how I expected it to. Since younger people attention wavers more than older people when it comes to an educational topic it will be harder for myself.